Mass Effect: The Complete Novels 4-Book Bundle

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Book: Mass Effect: The Complete Novels 4-Book Bundle Read Online Free PDF
Author: Drew Karpyshyn
looked large enough to house the thirty-three people assigned to the project, let alone any kind of labs for research.
    The exterior looked eerily normal; there was no hint that anything was out of the ordinary other than a half dozen large crates near one of the other landing pads.
    That’s how the attack began,
Anderson thought to himself. Equipment and supplies coming in would have been ferried by hand from arriving ships on cargo sleds up to the doors. Sidon must have been expecting a shipment. When the raiders touched down they would have begun unloading the crates. Someone inside would have opened the blast doors and two or three of Sidon’s security detail would have come out to help with the cargo … and been gunned down by enemy troops hiding inside the holds of the ships.
    “Strange there are no bodies out here,” Dah noted, echoing Anderson’s own thoughts.
    “Must have dragged them away after they secured the landing port,” Anderson said, not certain why anyone would want to do that.
    Using hand signals he motioned his team across the deserted landing port and up to the entrance of the base. The sliding blast doors were featureless and smooth—they were controlled by a simple security panel on the wall. But the fact that the doors were closed didn’t sit well with the lieutenant.
    Anderson was at the head of the team; they all stopped short when he crouched down and held up a raised fist. He held up two fingers, signaling for O’Reilly. Hunched over, the corporal moved to the head of the line and fell in beside his leader, resting on one knee.
    “Any reason those doors should be closed?” the lieutenant asked him in a sharp whisper.
    “Seems a little weird,” he admitted. “If someone wanted to wipe out the base, why bother sealing the doors when you leave?”
    “Check it out,” Anderson told his tech expert. “Take it slow and careful.”
    O’Reilly hit a button on his assault rifle, causing the handle, stock, and barrel to fold in on themselves until the gun was a compact rectangle half its normal length. He slapped the collapsed weapon into the locking holster on his hip. From a pocket on his other leg he pulled out an omnitool and crept forward, using it to scan the area for faint signals that would indicate the presence of any unusual electronics.
    “Nice catch, LT,” he muttered after checking the results. “Proximity mine wired to the door.”
    The corporal made a few adjustments to the omnitool, emitting a short energy pulse to jam the sensors on the mine so he could creep forward close enough to disarm it. The entire process took less than a minute. Anderson held his breath the whole time, only releasing it when O’Reilly turned and gave him the thumbs-up to indicate that the trap had been rendered harmless.
    A nod from Anderson sent the rest of the team rushing forward to breach the door, taking up their preassigned positions. Anderson and Shay moved to either side of the entrance, backs pressed against the exterior wall of the building. Chief Dah crouched low in line with the door, a few meters away. Behind her and slightly off to the side Lee had his assault rifle raised and pointed at the entrance, providing Dah’s cover.
    O’Reilly, crouched down beside Anderson, reached up and punched in the access code on the panel. As the doors slid open, Dah tossed a flash-bang grenade from her belt into the foyer beyond, then dove to the side and rolled for cover. Lee did the same as the grenade detonated with a blinding flash of light and a fog of thin, wispy smoke.
    An instant after the blast Anderson and Shay spun in through the door, rifles raised and ready to gun down any enemies inside. It was a classic flash-and-clear maneuver, executed with flawless precision. But the room beyond the door was empty, save for a few splatters of blood on the floor and walls.
    “All clear,” Anderson said, and the rest of the team came in to join him. The entry was a plain room with a single
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