
Marna Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Marna Read Online Free PDF
Author: Norah Hess
"Thanks," he said.
    Matt and Caleb left the tavern to make camp together, leaving the other hunters to partake of the ale
and the whores.
    The next morning they breakfasted early and broke
camp, When they stopped at the tavern to gather their
companions, the sun was quite high. It appeared from
their sleep-puffed eyes that the men had just roused
from sleep. They were a sorry-looking group, with their
whisker-stubbled faces and ale-stained buckskins.
    Caleb grabbed his nose and snorted, "Good Lord,
you smell worse than them whores over there."
    Three Indian women lay sprawled across the table in
various stages of undress. Their slack mouths gaped
open as they snored loudly.
    As Matt and Caleb watched, Corey stamped over to
the youngest woman and lifted her head by the hair.
Her eyes opened slowly and she blinked up at him.
Then recognition flooded her eyes and she shrank away
from him. Corey jerked a thumb toward the door,
snarling, "Climb on that roan out there."
    With a look close to terror in her eyes, the girl shook
her head. "Dove doesn't want to go with you. You are
an evil man."
    Corey jerked the girl to her feet and slapped her
across the mouth. "Who cares what you want, bitch?
You're gonna be my squaw this winter." He gave her a
hard shove that sent her reeling toward the door.
    As Corey started stalking after her, Henry stepped in front of him. "Corey, if she don't want to go with you,
let her go. You can always find one who's willin'."

    Still half drunk, Corey swept Henry aside and followed the girl outside. When Henry would have gone
after him, Matt laid a detaining hand on his arm. "Let
it go, Henry. I'd hate to see you laid up and maybe miss
the hunt. The girl will slip away from him some night
... or put a knife in him."
    Reluctantly Henry agreed, muttering that maybe he'd
put a knife in the bastard some night.
    Outside they heard the girl cry out, and when they
left to mount up, she sat in front of Corey, a thin trickle
of blood running from the corner of her lip.
    The hunters and Corey's squaw had traveled at a
leisurely pace, having plenty of time before the trapping
season began. If they found a likely spot, they might
stay as long as a week in the one place.
    After a month or so the terrain began to change in
appearance. The forest was thicker, with the sun coming through only in patches. The hills were steeper and
the valleys more rolling. Many deep gullies and huge
boulders were in evidence. Some of the towering granite
rocks were three times the height of a cabin and several
yards wide. The air was beginning to be cool and crisp,
and Matt noted that before long snow would lie deep in
these hills.
    One night, camped at the end of a clear running
river, he spoke his thoughts aloud.
    "Men, from what I've heard talked about, I believe
we're in Kentucky. The countryside fits the descriptions
given me."
    The Indian girl said, "We've been in Kentucky territory two days now."
    Matt bent a doubtful eye on her. "How do you know,
    "My tribe lives about ten miles from here."

    Matt tossed a chunk of wood on the fire. "Well, that
being the case, I think this is a good spot to make
permanent camp. All indications point to winter settlin'
down anytime."
    Everyone agreed heartily, thankful to be settling in
one place at last. They were weary of the saddle.
Mostly, a hunter walked.
    As the men brought out a bottle to celebrate, Matt
made one more observation. "You men can build your
quarters as you please. Me, I'm gonna build my own
personal hut."
    When he rolled into his blankets a short time later,
the men were still discussing whether to build private
quarters or one community lodge.
    Matt thought of this now as he rode toward camp.
He still hadn't started his place. He would have had the
hut thrown up by now if he hadn't been scouting the
neighborhood for the past several days. It was his job
to look for animal trace and trails, deciding where
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