once. It’s actually rather nice. She writes
erotica and erotic romance in whatever subgenre suits her fancy. A fan of
chocolate, good jelly beans, and animals, she lives with her husband, two
children, an old lumpy black Lab, and a very feisty grey tabby cat.
You can find her on the web at:
Her website
No book gets published without an entire crew of people. I
never knew how true a statement that was until I began my own publishing
Thank you to my critique group, Sarah Cass, Milly Taiden,
Tonya Cannariato, Ellie Heller, Fiona Druce, Mary Terrani, and Sabrina Garie. Amazing writers and women, one and all. You inspire me to do
better, and kick my ass when I need it. I wouldn’t be here without you.
Thank you to my readers, who continue to surprise and
delight me. Every email, FaceBook post, Tweet, and review means more to me than
you’ll ever know. In other words, come talk to me. I
love to hear from you.
My Unbuttoned Babes, you guys are awesome. (And about to get hit with lots and lots of work to do.) But
I promise gifts, bribery, and will not resort to threats unless absolutely
overcome with PMS and out of control characters.
Rachel Evans, thank you for being an awesome last reader. Your
comments were hilarious and right on target.
And thank you also to the various people who helped me whip
this bad boy into shape with hard critiques, great notes, and support. You know
who you are, and I appreciate all the time and effort you spent helping me get
this book ready for publication.
Coming in June 2013
She just stripped in front of an NYPD detective...
The glow-in-the-dark water at Camp Sunny Woods left Chloe
Sanders with the ability to disappear from sight.
Thirteen years later, she uses her “gift” to take out
criminals when she can. If she’s got to be part of a freak show, she’s going to
do some good while in the buff.
And he’s enjoying studying every luscious curve…
Color blind detective Jacob Greiff smokes to weaken the
overwhelming messages his nose sends him. One summer camp trip was enough for
him. His priority right now is busting the vigilante leaving burglars tied up
with panty hose and women’s scarves.
He thinks he’s hallucinating when he sees a petite, bare
foot brunette in an enormous trench coat at his crime scenes because for the
first time in years, he’s seeing someone in full color.
He’s not sure he’s buying it, but Chloe sure looks great
when she’s “invisible.”
Despite his own supernatural abilities and the raging lust
between them, Greiff wonders if Chloe isn’t some kind of nut who gets off on
public nudity. She insists she can disappear from view when naked, that he’s
the only one who can see her when she’s in the buff.
Their shared past comes to a treacherous intersection when a
man shows up at Chloe’s apartment and informs them at gun point it’s time to
report for duty—or else.
She’s fed up with being fed
All Miranda Thibodeaux really
wants to do is survive corporate hell and be left
alone. But as the daughter of the Incubi king, being left alone isn’t on her
schedule. And as an avatar to a goddess with multiple personality issues,
taking things in stride isn’t either.
Daniel looks like an ordinary
surfer boy--T. T. B.--Tall, Tanned, and Blond. Hot he may be, but ordinary he’s
not. Beneath the pretty packaging lies a ruthless warrior, a servant to the
Vampire Council. His mission is to find Miranda and present her to the council,
then get the hell out of Dodge before he loses his focus. The last thing he
needs is the distraction of the testy female.
When circumstances force
Miranda to turn to T.T.B. for help, they both end up with more than they bargained
for. And that normal human life she wanted? Not really doable when everyone
wants a piece of her...
Long Time