Mark Me

Mark Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mark Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shawn Bailey
Tags: mm
right now his cock rose at the thought of the other man and begged for relief. He shuddered and tried to shake away the idea. He didn’t want to imagine Dimitri screwing him lustfully and kissing him silly. He groaned. Why couldn’t he forget what had happened or Dimitri? A week had gone by already and he hadn’t seen him since then.
    He got out of the bed because he had swimming practice. He’d gotten out of it last week, but he didn’t think he could come up with an excuse since this was the last class he’d be attending for a while.
    He also had another practice with Mr. Dubisson. Today they would begin practice for the upcoming annual recital, which meant all the students would be there. Also, this year he would be performing a solo since this was his last year as a student. After thirteen years of lessons, he’d finally be graduating. And in a week he would be moving out of his parents’ home and moving into his first bachelor’s apartment. Eli was looking toward the experience with both anticipation and dread. He’d never lived on his own before, but he supposed he’d be too busy with college classes and activities to even notice.
    Eli went down to breakfast after dressing. His parents were away for the weekend and Emma had his breakfast prepared and waiting for him on the table. He uncovered the dish and found sausage, eggs, and grits. In a week he’d be on his own and would have to cook for himself. Luckily he wasn’t a complete idiot in the kitchen. Emma had given him lessons over the years, and he could fix simple meals but nothing extravagant.
    Eli ate his breakfast while reading the morning paper. He flipped to the entertainment section. The Seafood Festival was featuring a lot of live bands. He’d always wanted to attend one of those types of festivals, but he never seemed to have the time or anyone to go with.
    Maybe he’d check it out if he could convince Justin or Henry to go along with him.
    Eli cleared away his dishes, grabbed his keys, and headed out to his car. A half hour later he parked his car in a parking spot outside of Dubisson’s Music School and went inside.
    A lot of the students had arrived already. Eli waved to some of them and continued to the auditorium where practice would be held.
    He spotted Randall. The young man was trying to set up his music stand, but having a hard time because his hair kept getting into his eyes.
    “Here, let me help you,” Eli said, tucking the long black strands behind Randall’s ears. He has soft hair . “There, that should do it.”
    “Thank you,” Randall said, smiling shyly. “I didn’t have a chance to put it in a tail before I left home.” Eli smiled back at him. Why hadn’t he noticed how handsome Randall was, or how pretty his eyes were? Eli stopped smiling and groaned inwardly. What was happening to him?
    “You cut your hair,” Randall said as he adjusted his glasses on his face.
    Eli nodded. “I had it done last Saturday after we left the café.”
    “I like it,” Randall said. “It makes you look like an adult.”
    “Thank you,” Eli said, suddenly feeling a bit flushed. His eyes landed on Randall’s lips. They looked especially pink and pouty. His penis rose slightly in his briefs. Eli bit his bottom lip hard and turned away.
    “Have you been practicing for your solo?” Randall asked.
    “A little,” Eli said as he stopped panicking and started putting up his music stand. He’d been so busy checking on the delivery of his furniture and trying to find someone to get rid of his tattoos that he hadn’t had time for much else. The tattoos didn’t appear as colorful as they had a week ago. Maybe they were fading. Well, he hoped so.
    “I’ll be performing ‘Danse Russe’ by Tchaikovsky.”
    “That’s a very difficult piece,” the younger teen said, staring at Eli.
    Randall’s blue eyes seemed even larger behind his glasses. Eli gulped, trying not to notice. “Yes, but I am confident I can play it.” He
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