was an asshole in high school, he’s always an asshole now?” And that was the problem. As much as she wanted to hate Max and as much as she thought he was an asshole most of the time, she also glimpsed something else there. A kindness that made her want to dig under the cocky sludge of his exterior and get to his heart.
“Don’t get preachy with me, Lea. Has he been anything other than an asshole to you? Some people don’t change, you know.”
“But some people do. And what, is there a statute of limitations on change? Like, if he hasn’t changed now, he can’t?”
Nick twisted his features. “What is going on with you? Why are you defending him?”
She didn’t know. Why was she? Because the image of him taking care of that stupid cat, the turmoil that swirled in those warm brown eyes, flashed in her head. There was something more to Max than he let on. Another Max.
And she wondered if she’d ever meet him other than in fleeting glimpses.
But she wasn’t going to admit that. Even to Nick. “Just playing devil’s advocate,” she muttered, fingering the sharp edge of the cart.
Nick squinted at her, and she knew he didn’t believe her, but this conversation was over.
Lea glanced at the clock on the wall over his head. “Why don’t you head out early? It’s okay, I have this covered. You don’t look so hot.”
He looked liked he was going to argue but then sighed and rubbed his face. “Fucking sinuses. My head is killing me.”
“Then go. Honestly.”
“Yeah, but sometimes the library picks up now right before close and you’ll be here by yourself . . .”
Lea propped a hand on her hip. “You’re too nice for your own good sometimes. Go. Home. Nick.”
He smiled, a weak smile compared to his usual bright grin.
Nick looked to the front doors at the darkening sky as the sun set. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Trish was going to meet me and walk home with me, but I’ll just text her and tell her I’m heading home early and to head on over to my place.”
“Yes,” Lea said, helping to gather his things. “Shoo.”
Bookbag over one shoulder, Nick slung an arm around her neck and tugged her to him in a quick hug. “Thanks, Lea.”
“Get Trish to make you tea and give you a scalp massage,” she said.
He laughed softly. “Sure, I’ll do that.”
Lea watched him go and then glanced at the clock again. Another couple of hours and then she could go to the gym and relieve some stress. Maybe pretend Max’s face was on a punching bag and beat the crap out of it. She smiled and chuckled to herself. Sounded like a plan.
Chapter 4
M AX DRUMMED HIS fingers on the desk of the recreation center on campus, counting down the minutes until he was off duty. He worked the desk in two-hour shifts a couple of days a week. He made minimum wage but every penny was worth it.
A girl walked up to the desk and handed him her student ID card. He scanned it absentmindedly and handed it back to her so she could head into the gym. She smiled and sauntered away, throwing a look over her shoulder. She was cute—with her blonde hair and hazel eyes—but lately, he’d been in the mood for dark hair, thick bangs and challenging brown eyes.
He rubbed his temples. Shit.
After the whole debacle with Alec’s ex-girlfriend and Kat, Max had sworn off girls. Or at least, sworn them off when he was sober and could remember everything. And especially attached girls.
But from the first moment he saw Lea Travers last year—the pixie face, deep brown eyes, glossy hair—he couldn’t get her out of his mind. He had no business flirting with her, but damn, it made him hard when she pushed back.
Everything about her made him hard.
His name focused him on the present, reminding him he was at work so thinking about his dick was inappropriate.
The portly frame of Bruce Shaw stepped in front of the desk. He was the recreation director, who managed all the comings and goings of the recreation center