Make It Last

Make It Last Read Online Free PDF

Book: Make It Last Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bethany Lopez
replied. "It's just too bad he’ll only be here for the summer.”
                  “It’s not like he’d want to work a soda fountain for the rest of his life, Pop. It’s a temporary kind of job. I was thinking rather than trying to hire someone on like Roberta, we should focus on kids. No one wants to work a job like that for as long as she did, anymore. I think we should look at it as more of a temporary position.”
                  His father looked at him and smiled. “You’re probably right. Roberta was one of a kind, that’s for sure. I know that no one wants to work for minimum wage for long if they don’t have to, I just hate the thought of constantly having to train new people.”
                  “If it’s a part-time position , we could hire a few kids to work. T hat way , we’ d always have someone with experience and they could d o the training as the job turns over.”
                  “See, Son ? I knew you’d take to running this business like a dog to water.” His father grinned, slapping his hand on his back.
                  Colin couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t think that’s the expression, Pop.”
                  He couldn’t retain his foul mood with his dad so happy that he was there , and the sounds of Rich smooth- talking the customers coming from the back. He just hoped he could find a way to retain that happiness.

    Chapter Five
                  Briana started her shift, happy that not only was it Friday, but that it was actually her Friday. Getting weekends was rare , and rarer still was getting weekend s off with he r friends so that they could barbecue at the gravel pits.
                  Pam had allowed Briana, Kara, and Pete to switch shifts with some of the more seasoned workers, who had the prime shifts already locked. Most of them were happy to p ick up a weekend now and then. I t was a lot more packed and they usually made better money.
                  It was busy, even for a Friday, but Briana had plenty of help in the kitchen, so she didn’t feel l ike she was overwhelmed. Just busy, which wa s how she liked it.
                  Kara came sauntering back into the kitchen to pick up an order. “So, Bree, is Mr. Gorgeous going to be at the pits tomorrow?”
                  “Rich?” Briana asked absently, putting the finishing touches on the grilled chicken wrap for  Kara’s order. “Yeah, he said he was going to stop by.”
                  Kara walked up to her, forcin g her to look up and focus. She had an odd look on her face and didn’t say anything for a minute.
                  “What?” Briana asked her. “I’ve got a lot of orders to finish, Kara. Why are you acting weird?”
                  “I’m not, I was just wondering if you would be upset if I talked to him, that’s all.”
                  “Who, Rich? No. W hy would I care?” Briana looked at her and Ka ra gave her a look that said, “Y ou know why.”
                  “Kara, I told you about that. It was just a one-time deal. We neve r dated or had a relationship. I t wasn’t like that. I have no claim on him. It’s fine, I swear.”
                  “Okay, cool , ” Kara said wi th a smile and a bounce. “I didn’t want to poach. I just wanted to make sure there was nothing there. Y ou know I’d never do that to you.”
                  “I do. Now get this wrap and get out of here. I’ve got work to do , ” Briana said, trying to push her back out into the dining room.
                  Briana worked diligently , getting order s out as fast as she could until it was break time. She decided to go out into the dining room. Pam didn’t mind if they took their breaks out there, as long as it didn’t
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