Maddy Collated: The Complete Trilogy

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Book: Maddy Collated: The Complete Trilogy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ava Lore
flashed across her mind—Sam moaning, Sam smiling, Sam laughing, Sam fucking—and Maddy felt faint.
    “Uh, well, if you want to, I don't think I have anything else scheduled...”
    A tap on her shoulder cut her off. “Just a minute,” she breathed, then turned in her chair, prepared to curse a blue streak at whoever had dared to interrupt her conversation, and damn the consequences.
    Chet stood there, brooding at her.
    Her words died in her mouth, and Maddy had to grope for more. “Just a minute,” she squeaked into the receiver and covered it with her hand. Clearing her throat, she managed to force out, “Sir?”
    “Miss Marcos,” he said formally. “I wanted to drop by and tell you I thought our meeting yesterday was very... fruitful.” His lips pursed on the last word, and Maddy realized that she hadn't kissed him yet. And that she wanted to. Well, who wouldn't?
    Down, girl. He was still speaking. She struggled to focus.
    “I wanted to go over your various ideas,” he was saying. “Perhaps over coffee?” A faint smile graced his face. “I could use someone who knows how to... take a memo.”
    Maddy was almost certain that he wasn't talking about typing into his phone. She met his gaze, and then she was absolutely certain of it. Blue eyes smoldered at her. Maddy licked her lips.
    “Yes, sir,” she said, and almost managed to keep the husky tone from her voice. “I'd be happy to oblige you.”
    “Good. How about now?”
    “Now?” she said.
    Her thoughts raced. She looked at the phone in her hand. Then she looked back at Chet.
    “Well,” she said, “my schedule's filling up fast, but I think I can fit you in.” Oh god, oh god, oh god.
    “I sure hope so,” Chet replied.
    Maddy brought the receiver back to her ear. “Lunch sounds good. I have to go now...”
    “I'll see you then,” Sam told her and hung up.
    Maddy replaced the phone and smiled.
    Meetings as far as the eye could see, and she couldn't have been happier.
    * * *

    Maddy Calls a Meeting
    Chet Taylor had two problems.
    This was not ideal, as usually Chet Taylor only had one problem, and that was enough for him. Chet Taylor did not like problems. Chet Taylor only liked solving problems, generally in the most efficient and ruthless way possible.
    His newest problem sat across from him, playing with her Fall Spice latte and pretending he hadn't been balls-deep in her luscious ass a scant eight hours prior. Her name was Maddy Marcos, and he had awoken from a short, drunken sleep with her on his mind.
    This was different. Usually he woke with only one problem on his mind, and that problem was Samuel Lake, also known as Chet's best friend and fellow co-founder and CEO of Embra Enterprises. And, though Chet tried to pretend otherwise, also the only man Chet had ever wanted.
    Currently Sam was doubling down on his status as problem by refusing to look Chet in the eye. This was a big problem, because they ran the company together, and that goal was going to be compromised if one party was unable to meet things head-on. It made Sam look weak, and Chet hated it when people were weak.
    Still, in a corner of the heart Chet liked to think of as black and withered, he knew that the Sam Problem was his fault. Because he couldn't stop wanting Sam. Because he and Sam had drunkenly shared Maddy's generous body last night in the limo.
    Oh, and because Chet had fingered Sam's ass and rubbed his cock during the proceedings.
    Yeah. That probably had something to do with it.
    Chet gritted his teeth and studied Maddy's pretty round face. Her lustrous dark hair fell around it in flattering layers, but it was the way her breasts strained against her blouse that had him shifting in his seat. There was something about her, something that must have drawn him to her. She wasn't like any of the women he usually dated. He wanted her in a way that bordered on hedonistic.
    And Sam really wanted her. Chet could tell. In fact, that was the whole
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