I’d be happy if Butch would just sleep less.”
“Have you decided if you’re going to dress Butch up for Halloween?” Shawn asked.
“I’m not taking him out with us,” said Candy. “My mom’s afraid he’ll get into the treats. Candy gives him gas.” She clapped her hand over her mouth. Then she said, “I didn’t mean me, Candy, gives him gas.…”
Bobby and Shawn were laughing. Bobby managed to say, “We know what you meant.”
Mrs. Lee came up to their table. “Bobby, your mother is here. And Lucy, of course. Let’s see if we can find that costume.”
When he got to Room 102, Bobby had to agree with Candy. It was funny—and fun—to see a dog at school.
Lucy certainly understood she was someplace new. She was standing very straight.She looked around, her head held high.
She didn’t jump on Bobby like she usually did when she saw him. She padded over to him and licked his hand as he leaned down to pet her. Then she started sniffing the carpet. Lucy seemed to know she was there to do a job.
Mrs. Quinn pulled a small black boot from Lucy’s pirate costume out of her coat pocket.
“I thought I would let Lucy smell the boot. I hope she gets the idea to find the costume,” she explained.
Mrs. Lee smiled. “Well, that’s the way it works in movies. Let’s see if it works in Room 102.”
Mrs. Quinn gave the boot to Bobby. “You try,” she said.
Bobby had barely leaned down with theboot in his hand when Lucy began prancing. She inhaled the boot’s smell. She seemed happy to just keep doing that.
Bobby looked at his mother.
“Okay, take the boot away,” she told him.
Bobby shoved the boot into his pocket. Lucy looked around, confused. For a minute, it didn’t seem as if anything else would happen.
But as Mrs. Quinn led Lucy around the room, she seemed to get the idea.
She sniffed at desks. She smelled along the walls.
“Take her over to the cubbies,” Mrs. Lee suggested.
That was a good idea.
Lucy became excited as soon as she got close to the wall with the brightly colored cubbies. She stood up and put her front paws against the lowest cubbies. She gave a little howl.
“I don’t get it,” Bobby said. “We looked in my cubby about three times.”
Mrs. Quinn took Lucy in her arms. Now that she was higher, Lucy became more excited. Her nose quivered. But it wasn’t Bobby’s cubby that interested her. She tried to claw and wiggle her way up to the cubby above.
“There’s nothing in that one,” Mrs. Lee said. “It’s too high for the kids to reach.”
Lucy still pushed her nose in that direction.
Mrs. Lee stuck her hand into the cubby and felt around. “It seems empty.”
Mrs. Quinn was taller than Mrs. Lee. She reached her hand to the back of the cubby. “I think I found some buried treasure,” shesaid happily. She pulled out the bag with the pirate costume.
When Bobby saw it, he was thrilled—and relieved.
“How did it get up there?” a puzzled Mrs. Lee asked.
“I tossed it up to my cubby on my way out during the fire alarm. Maybe I threw it too high,” Bobby said. Then he had another thought. “Or maybe it didn’t make the cubby at all, and one of the firefighters or the janitor picked it up from the floor and stuck it in there.”
Meanwhile, Lucy couldn’t wait to get to the bag in Mrs. Quinn’s hand. She wiggled around.
Let me at it!
Everyone laughed.
“Well, Lucy, looks like you’re going to be ready for Halloween after all,” Mrs. Lee said.
“I don’t even know if Lucy should dress up as a pirate,” Bobby said.
“Why not?” Mrs. Quinn asked. “After all this trouble?”
Bobby smiled. “She ought to go as a detective!”
L ucy was gone by the time Room 102 came back from lunch.
“Did Lucy find the costume?” Candy asked as she went to her seat.
Bobby smiled.
“Class, I’d like your attention, please,” Mrs. Lee said. She leaned forward in her chair. “Some of you may have noticed that Jack is not here today.”
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