kitchen wall, up near the ceiling. His eyes widened as colored chips of pink Depression glass tinkled musically to the floor around us.
"Where's your phone," he demanded, every trace of warmth in his face freezing hard.
"In the living room, on the end table next to the couch."
Chance crab-crawled across the floor toward the phone, and I went the opposite direction, terrified that Candy and her demonic crew would come barreling through my unlocked door any second, guns blazing. My apartment was on the third floor, and I wasn't in view of any windows, but my shoulder blades still prickled in terrified anticipation of more gunfire.
I got the doorknob locked and screwed up the courage to stand up and quickly shoot the deadbolt before dropping back down on all fours and crawling toward the living room. Chance was talking to someone in a low, urgent voice.
"Yeah, well, I've heard that before. Just get here."
He saw me coming and abruptly hung up.
"The police are going to check it out," he said, his green eyes dodging mine. "It's probably just some college kids playing target practice."
"You weren't on the phone with the police."
He looked back at me for a second, before dropping his eyes to my chest.
"Nice bra, Lucky. You always did have good taste in lingerie."
"Quit trying to change the subject. Who were you talking to and why did someone just snuff my chandelier?"
He ignored me and edged toward my living room window. Going up on one knee, he pulled the curtain to one side.
"Candy was the shooter, if that's what you're wondering," I huffed.
"What are you talking about?"
"A white van with a cleaning company sign on the side was parked across the street and down the block. Is it still there?"
"Nope," he said. "What's the deal—didn't you pay your bill?"
"I have no idea why a cleaner would try to take me out," I said. "Maybe you do, though." I gave him a long look, but he was saved from a reply by a pounding on the door.
"Chance, it's me. Open up!"
I raised my eyebrow. "So the cops are on a first name basis with you, not to mention right in the neighborhood?"
He shook his head in exasperation. "Nate's a friend. There's some stuff I should probably explain, but I don't have time right now. Just try not to freak out and don't call the police yet. You can as soon I leave, which will be ASAP, okay?" Chance stepped close to me, and despite the bandage wrapped around his head, he was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in... well, 10 years.
He touched my cheek, looking almost regretful, and went to answer the door.
My face tingled where his fingers had been, and suddenly, I wasn't quite as eager to see him go.
Chance's friend was not what I had expected. At least six and a half feet tall, with long, thick black hair in a ponytail, sun-bronzed skin and dark brown eyes, the man who stood at the door was probably the second most fantastic-looking guy I had ever seen. His dark green sweater hugged muscles that looked capable of inflicting serious pain, and his dark jeans encased legs that were as thick and solid as tree trunks. In one hand, he effortlessly carried a duffel bag that appeared to weigh more than I did.
Amusement glittered in his dark eyes as he reached out to help me to my feet. "Ma'am," he drawled. I had the sudden, stupid thought that I wished I had opted for the smutty sleep set when I changed earlier.
"Are you a cowboy?" I asked stupidly, gripping his hand and pulling myself up.
"Actually, I used to be," he laughed. "But mostly I'm an FBI agent now. Name is Nate Whiteford. Pleasure to meet you." He lifted the bottom of his sweatshirt to show an FBI badge clipped to his belt, along with a little bit of smooth brown hip and what I'd swear was the shadow of a six-pack.
FBI, huh? He'd probably make better money as a stripper playing an FBI agent.
It wasn't until he laughed that I realized I'd said that out loud.
"He gets that a lot. Criminals throw themselves at him for the chance to get arrested