Lucifer (Brimstone Heat Book 1)

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Book: Lucifer (Brimstone Heat Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rayne Rachels
He started to pull her into his embrace, but Angie turned her back to him and wrapped her arms around her waist. He stepped back. “Have there been any threats against you?”
    “What?” Angie turned around.
    “Has anyone threatened you?” Lucifer asked again.
    Angie blinked several times. She thought about Ted Whitley, the man who kill her parents, but dismissed the idea. She hadn’t received any personal threats at least not sense Ted Whitley’s trial, but the last she heard, Whitley was still serving his seventy year sentence with no chance of parole. “No, I haven’t received any threats. “ Angie didn’t think there was any point to mentioning Whitley and her connection to him. He was in prison, and she didn’t want to discuss her past.
    “If you think of anyone, let me know,” said Lucifer.
    “As soon as I get the chance, I’ll go back through my emails, but I don’t remember any threats.” She looked around the room and closed her eyes hoping to keep the tears from falling. “There is so much to do.” She opened her eyes and glanced at Lucifer. It was all she could do not to run to him and wrap arms around his sculpted body. She wanted to feel his strength wrapped around her. He put the cover models on her favorite romance books to shame. “When will the deputies finish their search for clues?”
    “They should be done within the next fifteen to thirty minutes,” he said.
    Angie bit her bottom lip. Lucifer’s voice was absolutely too sexy. She felt as if she was going to melt every time she heard it. Angie nodded. “I’ll grab a notepad and pen from the front desk and start on the list for Mr. Wolfe. It is okay for me to get the notepad and pen off the desk?”
    “I’ll get them for you.” Lucifer glanced at his watch. “It will be lunchtime in a about thirty minutes. How about I take you out to lunch, and when we get back, I can help you.”
    The offer was tempting—too tempting, but Angie shook her head. “I’ve actually have plans for lunch. Thank you for your offer of lunch and to help me, but I have to turn both your offers down.” It really hurt to tell him that, but Angie kept telling herself it was for the best. She didn’t need to get involved with a cop.
    If only she could convince her body that they didn’t need or want him.

Chapter 4
    “I still can’t believe someone actually broke into the library and trashed it.” Gracie took a drink of her iced, sweet tea. “It doesn’t make any sense. Why would anyone do that?” She set the glass down next to the almost empty plate.
    “I don’t know. But you’re right, it doesn’t make any sense.” Angie shrugged her shoulders. “From the mess, you would think it was a bunch of teenagers. But the alarm system was not only disabled, it was completely destroyed. Somehow the system was fried. That’s not exactly something teenagers would think about doing.”
    “Are you going to have to reschedule the opening?” asked Gracie.
    Angie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I hope I don’t have to, but there’s a good chance I will have to reschedule the opening. A construction crew is going to rebuild the damaged bookshelves, but furniture has to be replaced, and then there are the damaged books that have to be reordered and inventoried into the system before they can be put on the shelves. And that doesn’t count sorting through the damaged books and removing them from inventory.” She shook her head. “I just don’t know what to do.”
    Gracie shook her head. “All of this because of one idiot who has something against libraries.”
    “I would like to get my hands on that idiot and teach him a lesson. Even just five minutes with him or her would make me feel better.” Angie took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. Her blood was at a boiling point. “It’s ridiculous the amount of work one person has caused. The more I think about it the angrier I get.” She wanted to slam her fist down on the table,
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