Loving the Bear
first, he hadn’t because he found it all too sweet and sickening, but then he’d run into Lilly. She’d had a strange effect on him. He’d only known her for a day, but she was already turning him into a person he never thought he’d be. Hopeless romantic.
    He sat up and ran his hands through his hair . Since he and Eliza had gone their separate ways, on Saturdays he usually went to a local bar, had some drinks and maybe connected with another shifter woman, brought her back to his place and had non-stop sex. Last night that hadn’t appealed to him. In fact, it was the farthest thing from his mind.
    Christopher reached across to the check he’d set on his bedside table. The one Lilly had given him for the battery. He hadn’t cashed it. He wasn’t sure if he ever would. Stamped under her name were her address and telephone number.
    Last nigh t he’d sat staring at it for more than an hour. With his cell phone balanced on his knee, Christopher tried to work up the courage to call her. He’d never been without that sort of courage before, especially where the opposite sex was concerned. Meeting Lilly had certainly done something to him and for that reason alone he guessed that she was destined to be his mate.
    For a bear shifter that meant he had to change things in his favor and take control of the situation.
    The $1.99 breakfast special.
    He hadn’t realized he’d said that out loud until Barney’s ear’s perked up and he looked directly at Christopher.
    This was Sunday, he needed breakfast, didn’t feel like making it himself, so he might as well go to the café where Lilly worked. He jumped out of bed with Barney now close on his heels.
    “I promise as soon as I get back we’ll go for a nice long run,” Christopher told him. He turned on the shower. Mrs. Nelson’s son would be back tomorrow and he was going to miss the pooch. Another thing that he wouldn’t have believed about himself.
    Her mother had always said when you were busy, time flew by , and this morning, Lilly believed it. It was already going on nine and she hadn’t realized that she’d been waiting on tables for over an hour. It was a beautiful sunny day, even if it was a tad on the cold side, and people had turned out for breakfast in record numbers. The waiting list was now over twenty minutes, and she and the other four waitresses, hadn’t stopped since Rose had turned on the open sign on the door.
    Lilly noticed one of her orders being placed on the shelf by the hatch in the kitchen. She walked over to it, scooped up the three plates, and headed out into the café. She stopped suddenly almost dropping everything to the ground when she spotted Christopher sitting reading the newspaper and obviously waiting in line for a table.
    “Miss, is that our order?”
    She hadn’t realized she’d not moved from the spot until a man spoke to her from a nearby table.
    “What ? Yes, I’m sorry, rushed off my feet,” she said heading his way and placing the plates down. “Anything else I can get you?”
    “No, looks like we’re good here,” said the man.
    She turned and saw she had two new customers at one of her tables. She walked over to them and pulled out her order pad.
    “What can I get you?” she asked, not looking at them , but Christopher. He looked so handsome today. Not that he hadn’t the other day. His dark, wavy hair just touching the top of his jacket. The broad shoulders. She remembered the way he’d so easily kicked in the door. Sort of like a superhero. She’d always had a thing for Superman. Christopher sort of reminded her of him. She hadn’t thought about that until today.
    “Two specials and two coffees?”
    “What…I’m so sorry. Right, I’ll get those straight away.”
    Just as she headed back to the kit chen she saw Christopher look up and straight at her. Her heart missed a beat. Was he here because she worked here or did he come just for the bargain breakfast she’d told him about? She was
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