him? Was he in charge of the guardsmen?
‘What do you have you in mind?’ Zander asked with a puzzled frown.
‘One of them must stay to pay the penalty.’
‘Then I must stay,’ Isabella said, as Sir William had known she would. Her voice low but firm. ‘My mother and sisters need Jamie to protect them and the Ellwood Clan needs an honest man as leader.’
‘No! Isabella I cannot leave you here as a prisoner to take my place,’ Jamie said in consternation.
‘Our mother needs you, Jamie.’ She looked at Sir William Douglas. ‘If I have your permission, I will write my mother a letter. I shall tell her what your son did for our father and that you have agreed to spare Jamie’s life.’
‘You can read and write?’ Henry asked, his blue eyes lighting with interest. His father groaned.
‘It is all the boy thinks about, but this time it may prove an advantage.’ He looked at Jamie. Your sister will not stay here as a prisoner, but as a wife.’
‘A-a wife?’ Isabella’s eyes flew to Alexander’s face. He gave a little smile and his blue eyes danced. In that moment she knew he expected, yes and wanted, her to be his wife. She felt her stomach clench and her heart beat faster, but it was not with the fear or loathing she felt for Neb Truddle. Sir William Douglas claimed her attention, breaking the invisible thread which drew herself and Zander Latimer together.
‘Instead of celebrating a hanging tonight, gentlemen, we shall celebrate a wedding. I shall enjoy having grandchildren if they inherit, your spirit and courage, Isabella Ellwood. Your loyalty will be an extra gift. Yes, fate has taken a hand this day. Henry you will have a more worthy bride than I could ever have found for you.’ There were gasps from the men. Zander’s face darkened.
‘Me?’ Henry’s face paled. Henry stared at his father in dismay.
‘Of course I mean you. Who else can give me grandsons with the Douglas name. It will be an excellent match,’ Sir William insisted. Isabella opened her mouth in shock, then closed it. Her eyes were drawn to Alexander’s. She was sure he was surprised, yes, and disappointed. The other men whispered and chuckled amongst themselves even before Henry began to protest.
‘But Father you know I have no wish to be married. Not to anyone! You know what I want to do with my life. Cousin Zander will make a far better leader for the Douglas Clan when the time comes.’
‘No son of mine will become a monk and spend his days in a monastery,’ his father bellowed. ‘Anna!’ He turned to his daughter. ‘Will you tell the women to prepare. We hold a wedding feast tonight. Perhaps you could help Isabella find a suitable gown?’
‘Isabella?’ Jamie protested, rising awkwardly to his feet. ‘Surely you do not agree to this arrangement?’ he asked. ‘Sam must take you home at once.’
‘And leave you to hang on the end of a rope? Is that the celebration we shall have tonight?’ William Douglas interrupted. Isabella saw a ruthless glint in his blue eyes and knew why he was chief of the clan, and why his word was obeyed.
‘What will it be Isabella Ellwood, a celebration of your brother’s hanging or your marriage to my son, Henry?’
‘If - if Henry is willing to…’
‘Well Henry?’ his father demanded. ‘A hanging or a wedding? The choice is yours.’ Henry’s eyes swivelled to his cousin and there was no doubting the plea in them. Zander gave a helpless shrug but he stepped close and clasped Henry’s shoulder, turning their backs to Sir William.
‘You will help me?’ Henry whispered desperately
‘I don’t see how. But I’ll try…’
‘Well Henry?’ His father demanded impatiently. ‘Zander cannot come to your rescue over this. It is time you proved yourself a man! Will you make Isabella Ellwood your wife in a few hours’ time? Or will you put the noose around her brother’s neck?’
‘I will m-marry Isabella,’ Henry said. Isabella thought he looked very unhappy