Love To The Rescue
right. I’m still a little nervous, I guess.”
    While Leslie telephoned her significant other to arrange to stay the night, Amy headed to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher.
    A few minutes later, Leslie returned from the living room. “Everything’s a go.”
    “Rick didn’t mind that you decided to sleep here?”
    “No way. Rick knows you’d do the same for me. Friends to the end, remember? We’ll be sitting in our rocking chairs on some seniors’ home veranda recalling this night when we’re in our eighties.” Leslie and Amy laughed together.
    Amy silently thanked her friend’s live-in boyfriend for encouraging Leslie to stay with her. She still felt a little shaken up by the day’s events, and she suspected her friend saw through her brave front. Besides, after sharing the wine Leslie was in no shape to drive anywhere.
    “I called Tiffany after I hung up with Rick,” added Leslie. “She made it home all right. But one of the twins is throwing up with a flu bug, and her husband is at his wits end.”
    “Poor Tiff. She did mention Sherry had a tummy ache at school. Guess one of her boys has it, too.” Amy couldn’t imagine having four kids, but her friend made it look so easy. And her husband helped out constantly. She’d definitely married a keeper.
    “I’ve drunk so much wine I’d be talking on the big white telephone in the bathroom with the kid.” Leslie visibly shuddered.
    Amy laughed and it felt good, relieved some of the day’s tension that had settled in her shoulders and in her heart. She’d never been the victim of a break-in or any crime before, an experience she didn’t want to relive any time soon.
    “Lend me some pajamas and we’ll watch TV before it’s time to turn in,” suggested Leslie.
    “You’re on.” Amy doubted she would sleep a wink tonight anyway, and television sounded like a suitable distraction. They headed upstairs to change. Amy dug a short cotton nightie out of her drawer and wandered across the hallway with it in hand. “There’s a new toothbrush and paste and other toiletries in the spare room bath. I’ll make some popcorn and we can watch a movie if all else fails.”
    Leslie chose a chick flick from Amy’s extensive DVD collection, and they watched the movie in silence for several minutes. Soon it became apparent to Amy that neither of their minds was on the film.
    “What are you thinking about, Les?”
    “Probably the same thing you are?” Her friend met her eyes. “Did you set the alarm after Tiffany left?”
    “Yeah, I did. And I’ve checked it twice already. Also the back door and the deck doors and all the windows.” Amy shifted on her end of the couch, tucked her legs under herself. “I hate feeling so insecure in my own home. This is nuts. I’ve never felt unsafe here before and I hate it! Maybe I should adopt a dog.”
    “I never give such things a second thought with Rick at home every night.” Leslie reached over and patted Amy’s hand. “I don’t know how you cope, living in this huge house all alone. I’d hear every sound and imagine a burglar every minute if I lived here by myself.”
    “Even when Allan was alive, he travelled a lot with his job. Staying here alone has never bothered me. It’s just...home.” Amy’s eyes misted. “I refuse to consider my house an unsafe haven because of this incident.”
    “You always were the brave one, prepared to tackle anything head on, no wimping out.” Leslie smiled.
    “I wish I felt as strong as I sounded just now. My conviction doesn’t match my...”
    The telephone rang and Amy jumped a foot.
    “I’ll get it,” Amy croaked. Her mouth had suddenly gone dry. She glanced at her watch. Ten minutes after nine. “Hello?” she asked, tentatively.
    “Ms. MacArthur, this is Constable Robertson. I…I just thought I’d check up on you. See how you were doing?”
    His handsome face flashed across Amy’s mind, and she smiled in spite of the more horrendous memories his name also
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