Love On The Brazos

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Book: Love On The Brazos Read Online Free PDF
Author: Susan Leigh Carlton
when Daddy had the stroke.  I told him I had to move back to Houston, and he said no way for him, and if that’s what I wanted, then that was it.  It was over a year ago.  I’ve been too busy to go out much since.”
    “Well, my girlfriend decided she couldn’t live in such an uncivilized part of the world, and she broke it off suddenly about two months ago.  She thought with my MBA from Hahvad I should be conquering the financial world from New York.  It was a rough time for me.  This is the first time I’ve been out since we broke up.”
    “Well, thank you for choosing me to break your fast.”
    “I guess we’d better look at the menu.  Our server is probably getting a bit antsy.”
    “Oh, let him.  I haven't been out in a long time.  I want to savor the feeling.  I don’t know when I’ll get the chance again.”
    “Your dad an Aggie?”
    “Yes, Mom too.  We’ll probably be snarling at each other before the evening is over.”
    “I hope not.  I’m enjoying the company.”
    “As am I.”
    She told Michael what she would like , and he gave the order to the waiter.  “There, that should take care of him for a while.”
    They talked about a myriad of subjects before their dinners were brought out.  Jordy’s perception of Michael was he was just a good old boy showing no ill effects from his unfortunate choice of educational facilities.  She told him so, and he laughed out loud.
    “You have a nice laugh.  You should use it more often.”
    “I’ve isolated myself so much into the business there hasn’t been much of an opportunity to exercise it.  When Michelle broke up with me, I thought it was the end of the world.”
    “Where is she now?”
    “Where else, New York City.”
    “Do you think we should introduce them to each other?”
    “No, not unless old what’s his name would leave Dallas, because she sure won’t leave New York.”
    “We had planned to go to Belize on our honeymoon.  I already had the tickets,” Michael said.
    “Could I make a special request?  How about we don’t talk about old what's-his name and old what’s her name.  They made their beds, let them lie in them.”
    “Together?” Michael said.
    “Why not?” And she giggled and blushed.  Her laugh sounded like little bells ringing.  Michael joined in with his deep throated chuckle.
    Jordy had a thoughtful expression on her face and was looking off into space.
    “What?  Oh I’m sorry.  I was just thinking you are very easy to talk with Michael.”
    “Well so are you, for an Aggie, that is.”
    “Now you had to go get nasty didn’t you?  One thing you’ll find out about me, Michael.  I never, ever get mad.  I always get even.”
    He laughed again.  The waiter had quietly placed the folder containing the check on the table.  Michael looked at his watch.  “Can you believe we’ve been here three hours?” 
    “You’re kidding?  You’re not kidding.  Well no wonder the waiter was getting nervous.”
    Michael took out his Platinum American Express card and placed it in the folder, where it was immediately picked up and returned with the bill in short order.  Michael studied the bill and signed it.  He pulled Jordy’s chair out and they made their way to the cars.
    He walked Jordy to her car and held the door for her.  Before she got into the car, she said, “Michael, thank you very much for asking me tonight.  It has been a long time since I have enjoyed myself this much.  It was a most enjoyable evening.”
    “The same goes for me too.  You are a great listener and a most charming companion.”
    She lifted her cheek for him to kiss.  When his lips touched the soft, sensitive skin of her cheek, it sent small tingles throughout her body.  “Would you like to do this again?”
    “I really would.  Give me a call please.”
    “I will,
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