Love in the Land of Fire

Love in the Land of Fire Read Online Free PDF

Book: Love in the Land of Fire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Brochu
he’s exceptional from what I’ve seen.”
    Josiah doesn’t even bother to bristle about the way Marcel speaks about Rafe like he knows he will if others are so casual in their speech. Marcel is a fourth tier dominant who’s been Bonded to a fourth tier submissive from Air named Isaac for the past three years, and Josiah trusts her more than almost anyone else in his life at the moment. They’ve known each other practically their entire lives and Josiah knows that despite her bluster and sometimes entirely too frank manner of speech she’s just as dedicated to the protection of submissives as he is.
    He’s not the only one with skeletons in his closet and a deep hatred of dominants who abuse their positions and tier.
    “There’s just something about him that grabs me, Marcel. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and I don’t even know him, not really. We’ve had one conversation and that was only because he was trying to distract me from finding out that he was trying to commit suicide. So even if he was free we still wouldn’t be able…it still wouldn’t be right.”
    Marcel drops a comforting hand on his shoulder and when she speaks to him again her voice is a sweet soothing tone that’s rare to hear directed to anyone who isn’t Isaac.
    “You’re the last dominant I’d even accuse of mistreating someone in your care, regardless of the circumstances of your meeting. Let me give you some friendly advice, Josiah. When you find someone that speaks to you on so deep a level without ever really saying anything you don’t let them go without a fight.
    You grab them with both hands and tear your way through anything that tries to keep you two apart. Trust me when I tell you that if you let this opportunity slip through your fingers you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
    “You can’t tell me that, Marcy. You can’t come in here and tell me that I need to keep him when we both know I can’t, that it’s not that simple.”
    Marcel regards him for a moment in silence, her gaze going sharp and cool as she arches a brow at him.
    “I never took you for a coward, Marx.”
    Anger shoots through him despite the exhaustion that lingers around him like a cloud. If there’s one thing he isn’t in this world it’s a coward. Marcel knows how he feels about the word and the fact that she’s dared to cross such a line with him lets him know that she’s serious but it doesn’t change the fact that it pisses him off.
    “We’ve been friends for a very long time, Marcel, and I would hate for that to change over something like this.”
    “Oh please, like you’ll ever actually get rid of me. Face it, sweetness, you’re stuck with me until one of us breathes our last and then if there’s a way probably after that as well. Now smooth down your feathers and let’s get back to the point.”
    Josiah rolls his shoulders and surges to his feet, hands clasped behind his back as he begins to pace the room restlessly, eyes rarely actually leaving Rafe’s still form even as Marcel begins to speak to him again.
    “You remember what I was like before Isaac, don’t you? I went through the pleasure houses like I was racing against time, never staying with one submissive more than once and rejecting everyone who wanted a chance to vie for my attention. None of them were what I wanted; none of them could satisfy me. But when I met 1Isaac. The moment I saw him, all I could think about was how beautiful he’d look for me, about how much I wanted to own him.”
    Josiah hears her, knows what she’s talking about and knows that he’d had the same reaction to Rafe, that instinctual urge to dominate, that drive to conquer and own. It’d been deep and dark and unlike anything he’d ever felt before and he knows with a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach that she’s right.
    “What do I do then, Marcel? How do I make this right? How do I make it work?”
    He can hear the uncharacteristic edge of
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