Love Evolution

Love Evolution Read Online Free PDF

Book: Love Evolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Mankin
emergency. ”
    “ One moment, sir. Please stay on the line. ”
    While Trevor held, he informed Avery, “ Benito is very discrete.  He ’ s been keeping his celebrity clients ’ secrets for years. That ’ s one of the reasons he ’ s so popular. Besides, like I said earlier- he ’ s brilliant. ”

    The following night, a taxi dropped off Trevor and Avery in an alleyway behind Benito ’ s salon in Beverly Hills. Trevor, trying way too hard to remain incognito, wore a ball cap dipped forward and sunglasses. ‘ At night? Really? ’ thought Avery.
    He ’ d also insisted that she wear a hoodie to hide her face. “ I look like I'm getting ready to rob the place, Trevor. And you look ridiculous. Is all this cloak and dagger stuff really necessary? ”
    “ You bet. You never know when someone from TMZ might show up, Avery. Studio LA is a hot spot for celebrities. The fact that you ’ re going in tonight as a woman and coming out as a man just might draw some unwanted attention. ”
    Before Avery could respond one way or another, the back door flew opened. Momentarily blinded by the sudden light, she stumbled.  A warm hand clasped her arm gently and drew her inside. Trevor followed. Avery blinked, and as her eyes adjusted, a handsome, middle-aged Hispanic man fashionably dressed all in black came into focus.
    He pulled back her hood. “ B ienvenido , you must be Avery. I ’ m Ricardo Benito. My friends call me Ricky. ” He took her proffered hand, but instead of shaking it, he kissed it like in some old fashioned movie. 
    Avery giggled. 
    Ricky turned around to face Trevor and abruptly cuffed him on the side of his head.
    “ Ow ! ” Trevor exclaimed. “ What was that for? ”
    “ Oh, pobrecito . Don ’ t be such a baby. ” Glancing back at Avery, he went on, “ When you called me, I ’ ve gotta say, I was intrigued. Not many things I haven ’ t seen or been asked to do in this line of work, but this is a first. And mi hermano , you way undersold the magnitude of what you ’ re asking me to do here. ”  
    Ricky cupped Avery ’ s chin with one hand, while the other dropped downward, about an inch away from her body, outlining her curves. He raised disbelieving brows to Trevor. “ You ’ ve got to be kidding me, right? It ’ s going to take way more than a simple haircut for anyone to believe this chica is a chico . ”
    Trevor nodded. Knowing Benito loved drama almost as much as flattery, he told him, “ I figured it would require a miracle, which is why I brought her to you. ”
    Benito preened, soaking up the compliment. He studied Avery again. “ Alright then, we better get started. We ’ ve got our work cut out for us mi bonita . ” Grabbing Avery ’ s hand, he led her further into the warehouse-like building. Avery admired the art deco furnishings and black and white photographs of celebrities that lined the walls. At the reception desk, Benito stopped momentarily, releasing her hand to pick up a piece of paper. He glanced at it, looked at Avery again, and then scribbled something down.
    He passed the paper over to Trevor. “ Here. I ’ m sure you didn ’ t think to get clothing, did you? I put together a list of things she will need. Size four, right, Avery? ”
    She nodded, impressed by his guess.
    “ That should translate closely enough into a small in the men ’ s department. ” Benito smiled wryly at Trevor and winked at Avery. “ She ’ s also going to need something to flatten down that chest.  No red-blooded guy will fail to notice those and then it won ’ t make a difference what I do to the rest of you. ”
    Avery blushed, suddenly finding her feet very interesting.
    Trevor told Benito, “ That ’ s something we already figured out up in Vancouver, but I ’ ll pick up another ace bandage just to be safe. ”
    Noticing Avery ’ s embarrassment, Benito couldn ’ t resist teasing her more, “ We also need to decide about undergarments.
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