Lost Love

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Book: Lost Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maryse Dawson
chamber and exit just as quickly this morning when he surmised the room to be empty. She smiled wickedly. Oh, what satisfaction she had felt. Fie on him for thinking she would muck out stables! Her intention was to stay hidden, until later in the day, and then creep out to get some food. If John remained ignorant of her actions, then all would be well and good, but if he had found out, then mayhap remaining hidden until his temper cooled was her best option. For there was no doubt he would be riled. She worried her bottom lip. What would he do to her? Visions of lying across his strong thighs entered her mind, and she found herself a little breathless. The thought didn't scare her as much as excite her.
    She shook herself and tried to resume reading, but found she was unable to concentrate properly. Shutting the book, she placed it next to her and pondered on how long she'd been hidden. Two hours must have passed—maybe three. That meant there was still another couple of hours until midday. She stretched, realizing that she was still tired from rising early to get Esme ready, so she snuggled into the cushions, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.
    * * *
    It hadn't taken John long to find his wife. A quick search of her bedchamber had soon located her slumbering form behind the wardrobe. Her face was soft with sleep, and he found himself studying her. She was truly beautiful, possessing a perfect heart-shaped face with plump lips for kissing. He stopped himself. Such dangerous thoughts would take him away from his goal. Lest he forget how Arabella's lies ruined his life.
    Laying one of his large hands on her slender shoulders, he shook her awake. She blinked slowly, and then, when her eyes registered who it was that had awoken her, she quickly sat up. "Ulric…I mean John!"
    "Aye, milady,'tis I." His eyes locked with hers and he noticed her visibly gulp.
    "I can explain!"
    "Prithee do. I am most intrigued to hear another falsehood spill from thy wicked tongue for, in my opinion, there is only one explanation."
    He held his hand out, and she reluctantly gave him hers, so he could help her out of the small recess. Drawing her over to the bed, he refused to let her hand go, even when she tried to pull away. He sat down and stood her in front of him, close.
    "So, explain!"
    Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing heavy. He raised his eyebrows waiting. Her lips pursed and finally she blurted. "Oh fie on thee! I cannot speak false on this matter. I hath no intention of working in the stables. I am lady of this castle and will be treated with respect." Her slippered foot stomped on the floor to emphasize her discord.
    "Aye, 'tis true thou art lady of this castle, but thou art also my wife, and as my chattel thee will obey me in all things. Thou hath chosen to thwart me, and in doing so, thee will be punished."
    Without warning, he dragged her down over his lap and threw her skirts over her back. Her bare bottom was exposed, and he quickly began to smack the rounded orbs before she could comprehend what was happening.
    Her legs began to kick in protest. "Aow! Desist!"
    His hand continued to rain down on her bottom, each cheek alternately getting a thorough pounding. She protested loudly, but he took no heed.
    "Cease thy tongue. Thou hast done wrong by Esme and by me. I will see thee punished for thy disobedience."
    He punctuated each word with a smack, leaving her in no doubt as to his anger. The sound of his hand connecting with her buttocks, mixed with her shrieks, reverberated around the bedchamber.
    Several spanks later, John paused. Arabella tried to rise off his lap, but his hand restrained her. "Let this be a lesson to thee, fair wife. Thou willst obey me, else thee find thyself over my knee. With no exception! Dost thou understand?"
    He heard her sniffle, and then she grudgingly replied, "Aye, I understand."
    "Very well." He finally let her up, whereupon she rubbed furiously at her backside whilst wearing a pained expression on
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