Lost in Plain Sight

Lost in Plain Sight Read Online Free PDF

Book: Lost in Plain Sight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marta Perry
everyone had gone, Sarah and I went out to the barn. Someone was there. He rushed away when he heard us.” She rubbed her shoulder, as if in memory, and his throat tightened.
    “Did he hurt you?” He moved closer, wanting to touch her but not quite daring.
    Leah shook her head, hand still pressed against her shoulder. “I don’t think he meant to. He knocked me down when he ran.”
    “Could you tell who it was?” Excitement filled Geneva’s voice. “Amish or English?”
    Leah shook her head. “It was nothing but a dark blur. Could have been an animal for all I know, but Sarah says definitely it was a person. She couldn’t tell if it was man or woman.”
    “English, then,” Geneva said decidedly. “If it had been an Amish person, she’d have been able to tell whether it was a man or a woman by the shape.”
    “I hadn’t thought of that.” Leah looked at her with respect, and the woman’s cheeks grew pinker.
    “Well, I’d say this definitely means the police should be involved—“
    Leah was already shaking her head at that thought. “I can’t.”
    “But the police could investigate the people Mrs. Grayson fired. I don’t see how we can do that,” Geneva said, her tone persuasive.
    “No.” Leah said. “My daad says no, and I can’t go against that.”
    “Maybe if I spoke with him…” Mrs. Morgan let the words die away as the phone rang. She shook her head in exasperation. “I’ll get that in the other room. Josiah, talk some sense into her.” She hurried off.
    Josiah touched Leah’s sleeve, longing to protect her and not sure how. “There’s some truth in what she says. If your daad knew everything, he might agree.”
    Leah looked up at him, her green eyes dark with misery. “I know he must be told about Mrs. Grayson. I just don’t know how.”
    He clasped her hands in his, holding them firmly. “I’ll go with you. I’ll help you.”
    Her hands moved slightly, and suddenly he was aware of the warmth of her skin against his. His breath seemed stuck in his throat.
    Leah’s eyes widened. Her lips parted, but she didn’t say a word. Before he could think what he was doing, he bent and kissed her.
    Her lips met his questioningly, soft and tender. He longed to put his arms around her, pull her close, protect her from all harm….
    What was he doing? He pulled back, horrified at himself. This was Abe’s kid sister. He couldn’t steal a kiss without consequences.
    She blinked, as if waking from a dream.
    “I…I’m sorry,” he stammered, feeling like a fool. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
    Leah’s face seemed to stiffen. She took a step away from him, not speaking.
    “I’d best go.” Thinking only of getting away before he made even more of a fool of himself, he went quickly to the kitchen door. “I’ll pick you up after work.”
    “You don’t need to.” Leah’s voice was cold. “I’ll find a ride.”
    He was irrationally angry at that. “I’ll komm,” he said, and bolted out the door before he could get himself into any more trouble.
    Leah had never been so happy to have a buggy ride come to an end as she was when Josiah turned into the lane toward home. All she wanted to do now was to sink into the safety and routine of her usual chores and let everything else slip away.
    Josiah had shown up early at Geneva’s, forestalling Geneva’s offer to drive her home. After all, Geneva had said, eyes twinkling, Leah couldn’t very well disappoint Josiah after he’d come all that way.
    Geneva probably thought she was promoting a romance. But Geneva didn’t know what had happened between Leah and Josiah.
    That kiss…Leah’s cheeks burned at the thought, and she could only hope the brim of her bonnet hid her from Josiah’s gaze. Truth to tell, she’d been dreaming of a kiss from Josiah for years, and for a few brief moments, she had lived in the dream.
    And then Josiah had pulled away, looking horrified, and she hadn’t known what to do. If he thought she let
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