
Lora_Leigh_Bound_Hearts_4_Wicked_Intent[1].pdf Read Online Free PDF

Book: Lora_Leigh_Bound_Hearts_4_Wicked_Intent[1].pdf Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lora Leigh
continue to tempt me
    in such a way?” She increased the pressure by the slightest degree, watching him
    swallow tightly.
    He cleared his throat, his green eyes watching her cautiously. “Think of all the fun
    you could miss out on later.”
    She watched him wince as she leaned in more, knowing the pinching pressure he
    would be feeling now.
    “There’s such a fine line between pleasure and pain,” she told him, keeping her
    smile intentionally innocent. “Shall we see where your line is drawn, Dev?”
    Small beads of sweat stood out on his brow, but his eyes glittered with an amused
    knowledge of his defeat.
    “I surrender.” He held his hands out from her, his thighs tight, his body drawn in
    anticipation of the pain to come.
    She leaned down, gave that tempting, full lower lip a quick little bite before moving
    back from him calmly.
    “You’re so easy.” She sighed regretfully. “Too bad. I had hoped for more of a
    Still ignoring the park official, she pulled the tattered remains of her pride around
    her. She shrugged her shoulders, adjusted her shirt and smoothed the slight creases
    Lora Leigh
    from the silk covering her hips before she gave both men a disdainful look and marched
    from the gazebo.
    “Tally, Lucian asked me to find out where the Gallagher file was. He was searching
    for it when I left.” Dev’s amused voice brought her to a halt.
    She turned carefully, keeping her expression blank as she stared back at him,
    fighting to control the fury rising inside her.
    “In hell. Where he can go,” she suggested sweetly before turning on her heel and
    heading back to the office.
    Wicked Intent

Chapter Four
    “Stay the hell out of my files!” Tally slapped the Gallagher file on Lucian’s desk,
    right in front of his face.
    He swiveled the chair around to face her, looking up at her broodingly. His thick,
    almost white, blond hair fell over his brow, lust glittering in his eyes.
    “Don’t you even think about it,” she warned him, unable to still the harsh anger
    that pulsed in her voice. “If you touch me, I promise you’ll regret it.”
    He leaned back in his chair, watching her with narrowed eyes.
    “This is an office,” she told him with cold disdain. “A place of business. This is not
    an orgy palace, nor is it your own personal fuck central. I will not be molested here on a
    daily basis.”
    “I own the damned place,” he snarled back at her. “If I want to fuck in it, then I’ll
    do it on a daily basis , Tally.”
    “Not with me.” She bared her teeth at him, her fists clenching with the need for the
    action. “I am not some weak-kneed office bimbo who’s going to spread out on your
    desk for your pleasure. I am a professional, Lucian, and I expect to be treated as such.”
    He rose slowly to his feet. She should have felt intimidated, instead she felt
    “I never act in any other manner while conducting business,” he reminded her, his
    soft voice in no way disguising his anger.
    “While we’re in this office…”
    “Tally.” He never raised his voice, but the sharp edge had her brows lowering in
    growing anger. “This is my office. You’re my woman. While no longer conducting
    business, if I want to fuck the hell out of you, then it’s my choice and my prerogative.”
    Lora Leigh
    “Oh, is it now?” She crossed her arms carefully beneath her breasts. “And exactly
    who decided I was your woman?”
    He smiled slowly. “Our woman,” he said, his voice dark and confident as he leaned
    closer. “Don’t doubt it, Tally. I know who you just came from. I know how hot you
    burned in his arms and I know damned good and well you would burn the same in
    mine. The pain in my balls was well worth the experience. So never doubt you haven’t
    been claimed.”
    The hard throb of ownership in his voice sent tremors of excitement racing up her
    spine even as a firestorm of fury raced through her blood veins. But it was his words
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