Longings of the Heart

Longings of the Heart Read Online Free PDF

Book: Longings of the Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Leon
Tags: Ebook, book
and stepped inside. “There you go, boy,” he said, moving to a chestnut gelding. John patted the animal’s neck and then slid the halter over his head, gently tucking its ears through the straps. He quickly saddled the horse and led it out of the barn.
    As they emerged, Mrs. Atherton and Deidre walked across the lawn toward the back door of the main house. Hannah studied the new employee. Something about her left Hannah feeling unsettled. “What did you think of the new housemaid?”
    John glanced at Mrs. Atherton and Deidre. “She seems pleasant enough.”
    “She’s quite handsome.”
    “That she is.” John looked at Hannah. “By your tone, I’d say you’re not pleased with that.”
    “She’s comely enough, but that’s not what troubles me. There’s something about her . . . something not quite right.”
    “Whatever could be wrong? I’m sure Mrs. Atherton wouldn’t bring someone into the house who’s not to be trusted.”
    “I suppose you’re right.” Hannah watched until the women disappeared inside the house. Her disquiet remained.
    “I’d better be off if I’m to get back before dark.” John kissed Hannah. “Look for me before dinner.”
    She rested a hand on his arm. “Do be careful. There was another attack on a family a few days ago.”
    “I know. I’ve got my pistol.” John patted the firearm he wore at his side. “I doubt the Aborigines are concerned with a lone rider. They’re more interested in keeping farmers from building on the land. I’m sure they see us as a blight.”
    “What’s happening to them does seem a bit unfair.” Hannah gazed up the road. “But what’s to be done about it?”
    “In time, I hope whites and blacks will live harmoniously. There’s land enough for us all.”
    “No, there’s not really. The blacks don’t stay in one place. They wander. With more and more settlers taking up parcels of land, what will become of them?”
    “I don’t know, but progress won’t be held back.”
    “At any rate, be watchful. I shan’t rest until I know you’re home safely.”
    “I’ll be careful.” Putting a foot in the stirrup, John pushed up into the saddle. “Have a good day, luv.” He turned the horse toward the road and started off.
    John glanced back at Hannah as he moved up the drive. They’d been married scarcely two months, but already he couldn’t imagine life without her. How grand it will be to have a place of our own. We’ll have a fine house where we can build a life together and raise our children. He allowed his imagination to embrace thoughts of what life would be like—he and Hannah working together, establishing the farm and a family. As Hannah had said, there would be danger, but then most things in life held peril of some sort or other.
    John relinquished his musings and pulled his horse to a stop.
    Mr. Atherton stepped out of the tool shop and walked down the drive toward him. “I’d hoped to catch you before you left.”
    “Good day, sir. Is there something you need done before I go?”
    “I’d just like a word is all.”
    John climbed out of the saddle. “Is everything all right?”
    “Yes. Fine. I wanted to speak with you about your plans.”
    “Plans, sir?”
    “Your idea of raising sheep.”
    John knew Mr. Atherton had qualms about his making a change from machinist to farmer. “I’m sorry about leaving your employ, but I—”
    Mr. Atherton lifted his hand, palm out. “No, no. That’s not a problem. Perry will work out fine. You’ve taught him well.” Using his thumb, he nudged up his hat. He seemed uneasy. “I well know the desires of a young man—hoping and dreaming of a place of his own. All men want that. And I’m not one to stifle dreams. I’ve had a few of my own.” He grinned. “But I feel I must voice a concern . . . Your choice of vocations seems a bit unusual. You’re a fine machinist and you’ve a good head for business. Trade or a production enterprise of some sort would seem
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