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Book: Life-After Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. A. Laraque
comforting, not to hot or cold.
    What I stood in, to me, was a child’s version of the perfect spring day. While I was in awe of what I was seeing, what quickly jumped into my mind was what I could not see. Something caught my attention forcing me to turn around. In the distance was a sight directly from my dreams. Nestled between a dense forest and the crystal-blue river was a small cherry oak cabin.
    The night I proposed to Clara, after we returned home we made love. I had not felt as happy as I did that night ever before. Laying naked in each other’s arms the light from the moon shined down upon Clara’s face. She was smiling, her eyes staring up at the ceiling but she was not looking at anything in our reality. I knew that look well, she was daydreaming. I just watched her, listing to her breathing thanking every God I could think of for letting her find me. I did not want to disturb her. She was in her own private heaven and I in mine.
    Her eyes began blinking rapidly then focused on me. Her smile widened as she pressed her lips to mine. I ran the back of my hand down the side of her face. It was smooth and still slightly damp from perspiration. She took my hand and held it in-between hers and stared into my eyes. She wanted my complete attention and she had it.
    “ I’m finished.” She said exhaling as if in relief.
    “ Finished?” I questioned. “Finished what? Where were you?”
    Clara was the dreamer, she dreamed enough for the both of us. It was not a dream to escape reality, but one to plan for the future. She had goals and nothing or no one would ever stop her from achieving them. I was lucky to be included in those dreams. When Clara finished a dream it became a goal and soon her goal would be achieved.
    “… Our home.” Clara answered. “Don’t get me wrong, I love New Chicago, but wouldn’t you want to live somewhere that still has grass, a place where you would want to raise children?”
    “ Children..?” I said nervously.
    At the time Clara and I never discussed children. The government practically forced younger couples to have them, but after seeing the effects of the war first hand, I was not prepared to bring one into that world. On the other hand, never knowing my parents and the shame of growing up alone made me want to bring as much happiness as possible to my future child.
    “ Don’t worry. I’m not thinking of having kids now.” Clara said with a smirk noticing the concerned look on my face. “You know I plan for the future and I just wanted to plan where we would live, a place that didn’t need reconstruction. My dream is a place war did not touch.”
    “ Is there such a place?” I asked her.
    I did not believe there was. The global war was truly a war fought across the globe. The federation was not just looking to destroy the alliance; they were also searching for resources. Many places that had no strategic value would often be attacked for the smallest of resources from water to basic food goods. In the absence of stability many would-be dictators arose and were bent on carving their name in history. Often their mark was made with the blood of innocents leaving few areas untouched.
    “ There is a town not far from where I grew up.” Clara said to me. “Since its land was always part of the parent nation it was never attacked. At one time further up the river it was dammed, but that was over ten years ago. It’s perfect, David. We can build a house right next to the river. We can escape the city and be free.”
    I wanted to give her everything. When we first met she told me she worked for the global incoming administration because she wanted to insure a lasting piece, but she knew as well as I that brining the world together under one government would be a daunting task. I still cared about my service to the military, but I knew that I would be able to serve and still make Clara happy. I had spent my whole life thinking only about myself, I was more than happy to be
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