Lessons of Desire

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Book: Lessons of Desire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Madeline Hunter
not take care. She wondered which ancient part of the male character motivated him now.
    "Alexia did ask me to look in on you. Miss Blair. That was no lie. However, I had other reasons to call and they must now be addressed."
    "Since we only met once, at Alexia's wedding, and very briefly, I cannot imagine what your reasons might be."
    "I think that you can."
    Now he was annoying her. "I assure you I cannot."
    His tone indicated that he found her annoying in turn. "Miss Blair, it has come to my attention that you are now a partner in Merris Langton's publishing house. That you inherited your father's interest in the business."
    "That is not information that has been given out, Lord Elliot. With men assuming a woman cannot succeed in business, and with many believing it unnatural for a woman to even try, I chose to keep that quiet so prejudice would not affect the business itself."
    "Do you intend to be active in it?"
    "I will have a hand in choosing the titles published, but I expect Mr. Langton will continue to oversee the practical matters. I would like to know who informed you of this. If my solicitor has been indiscreet—"
    "Your solicitor is blameless" His attention left her. His eyes assumed a brooding darkness. The distraction hinted at the brilliant mind inside this elegant man about town, and the intellectual absorption that had led him to pen a celebrated historical tome before he turned twenty-three.
    "Miss Blair. I regret that I bring you some bad news. Merris Langton passed away from his illness after you left London. He was buried a few days before I sailed myself."
    She had feared Mr. Langton would not recover, but hearing of his death was surprising anyway. "That is bad news indeed. Lord Elliot. I thank you for informing me. I did not know' him well, but a man's passing is always sad. I had counted on him helping me maintain that publishing house, but it appears I will be left to do it on my own."
    "Is it all yours now?"
    "My father founded the press and subsidized it all along. His share was his to bequeath, but Mr. Langton's became my father's if Mr. Langton died. So, yes, I do believe it is all mine now."
    His distraction disappeared. The sternness returned. Coldly. "Prior to Langtoirs illness, he approached my brother. He spoke of your father's memoirs being published. He offered to omit several paragraphs in the manuscript that touched on my family if a significant sum was paid to him."
    "He did? That is terrible! I am shocked by this betrayal of my father's principles, and sincerely apologize for my partner."
    She rose and began pacing, agitated by this revelation. Lord Elliot politely stood too, but she ignored him while she tried to take in the implications of Mr. Langton's foolish scheme. This might be all it took to bring that shaky press down.
    She knew too well its precarious finances, and as a partner she was responsible for the unpaid debts. She had counted on her father's memoirs to pull them through. If Mr. Langton had compromised the integrity of that publication, the world might dismiss the book entirely.
    "This is all Harriette Wilson's fault," she said, her dismay edging into anger. "She set a disgraceful precedent in asking her lovers to pay to have their names removed. I wrote to her about it, mind you. Harriette, I wrote, it is wrong to take money to expunge memoirs. It is just a pretty form of blackmail. She only thought of her purse, of course. Well, that is the result of the dependent life she chose and the foolish extravagance that she practiced." She strode more purposefully. "Mr. Langton no doubt approached others too. I cannot believe he would impugn the ethics of our publishing house in this way."
    "Miss Blair, please spare me the theatrical outrage. My family was prepared to pay Langton. I sought you out to say that we will now gladly pay you instead."
    Theatrical outrage? She paused her pacing and faced him squarely. "Lord Elliot. I hope that I misunderstand you. Are you
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