spot me but my legs would not move. I just stayed there, all Christopher Reevesy, with a dumb-ass look of shock on my face.
He obviously didn’t spot me so high up because he grabbed the woman by the arms and began dragging her. He reached the ocean but still kept walking backwards, right into it, suit and all. I stood there and watched as he walked her out in to the water, let her go, and watched the tide carry her away like a fading dream.
I guess he decided to take one more look around, just to make sure. That is when he saw me.
So, once again, I am not going to lie to you here. When my legs finally decided to work, I backed the fuck up, rubbed my eyes to make sure this was real life, and then took the fuck off. No time for love, Dr. Jones! I ran back up the hill towards the house and only made it a pathetic one-quarter of the way before I had to stop and take a breather. I made myself feel better by saying that I was quite out of harm’s way, seeing as there was no way that guy could have gotten up to street level and found me, let alone even recognize me. So yeah, I stood in the middle of the street keeled over with my hands on my knees doing my best not to die as an image flashed through my stupid mind of Steven Seagal running in every movie he ever made that actually played in theaters, and I started to chuckle to myself. Why did he run with his palms open? Hey look, it’s Gino! Why is he running like a woman?!
Seriously, I am keeled over in the street after just witnessing a murder and I’m giggling about the way my beloved action hero runs. I have some serious problems.
I decide to walk the rest of the way back up the hill. I’m pretty sure I am in no danger. When I reach the motel, I decide to not bang on Elise’s door just yet. Why? I have no idea. But, my mind has focused on a delicious Rockstar now and before I sit and tell this story to Elise and then to the cops, I’m going to need to be on the top of my game, so I decide to take a little walk to the Shell Beach Grocery and pick myself up an icy, over-priced, highly caffeinated beverage. As I am leaving, I notice a little plaque on the side of the building informing me that the former manager of the store and her entire immediate family were killed by a drunken hit-and-run driver. To myself I say, “I know how that feels,” then I am immediately flushed with sadness, not only with the thought of my mother who was killed by a drunk, or my wife, but for this family I never knew. People make me so angry. I have never felt bad or like I was missing out by never really fitting in with them. I think it is for the better, the way I am.
I continue my walk back to Elise’s room and give it a little knock. Elise opens the door and gives her eyes a rub.
“Archie? You’re up and ready before me?”
“Yeah, shocking huh?”
“Yes, very,” she says.
“I thought you were always up and ready by 5am?”
“I’m on vacation, Archie. And it’s barely six, anyway. What’s up?”
“Actually,” I tell her, “I need to talk to you outside.”
“Um, okay,” she says as she steps outside. “Mommy will just be outside for minute, guys.”
“Okay, so um, I decided to go for a little walk down to the cliff this morning.”
“Okay? Is that why you’re sweating like that Rabbi when Chris Hansen walked out and told him to take a seat?”
Heh. I was sweating rather badly. Pathetic. I decided to ignore the comment and press on. “So, I’m standing there looking through the telescope, at nothing in particular, and I see this man and woman on the beach, way down by those three big houses.”
“Okay. What’s your point?”
“I’m getting to it. God, who are you, me? Patience, Daniel-son…So I’m standing there and just watching this couple on the beach and then it looks like they start to argue. The woman gets pissed I guess and starts to walk away from the man…who was wearing a suit! On the beach! Like, what the fuck, right? Anyway, the
Jack Heath, John Thompson
Piers Anthony, Jo Anne Taeusch