Last Stop This Town

Last Stop This Town Read Online Free PDF

Book: Last Stop This Town Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Steinberg
    Patience smiled. Tragically, Walker thought things were going great. Like maybe after he got her email, they could become Facebook friends. Then, after they got to know each other over the summer, he’d arrange a meeting in Boston in the Fall once they were settled in. A dinner date, maybe a movie, and before you know it, they’d have that magic first kiss.
    Unbeknownst to him, Patience was growing bored. She had been giving him the signal from the moment they met that she was looking for a meaningless hook-up, but this guy kept talking and talking. Ugh, what does a girl have to do to get laid these days? , she thought behind that smile.

    Next door, in the concrete-floored work room, the stoners were sitting on a ratty old plaid couch passing a bong. The stoner crowd was usually a mix-and-match group of potheads with an occasional “respectable” teen getting high on a lark. Today it was just the core group: Pike, Ned, Suzanne, Olaf, and Diaz.
    Suzanne was kind of cute, with scraggly strawberry blonde hair and freckles. You might hook up with her if you were high, and since everyone here usually was, everyone here had.
    Olaf was a foreign exchange student from Norway and immediately befriended the group. Back home, practically any gorgeous Norwegian girl would have sex with you just to be polite, but smoking pot, it seemed, was still kind of a taboo. (This confused Ned for the first several weeks after meeting Olaf, because Ned mixed up Norway and The Netherlands.) So, naturally, when Olaf came to the U.S. for the year, he wasn’t as interested in hooking up as he was in getting baked. And he took it as a personal challenge to become the best at it. Which he was.
    Whereas Olaf was welcomed with open arms by the other stoners, and frequently provided some of the most hilarious lines when stoned (like the time he said, “Ja man, this bud is sweeter than my mother’s teet.”), Diaz, on the other hand, just kind of latched onto the group without any invitation, formal or otherwise. Truth be told, no one really liked Diaz. He never said anything funny or worthwhile, he mooched off of everyone else and never provided his own weed, and frankly he kind of smelled. Like cheese. Furthermore, he looked like a troll. Pike saw him in the boys’ locker room shower one day and swore he had a tail. But stoners aren’t haters and unlike their violent, aggressive counterparts in the world of teenage binge drinking, everyone was welcome to partake in a bong hit. Even a troll.
    Pike took a hit and passed the bong to Suzanne. As he held in the smoke, Pike stared at the work bench with its rotary saw. He exhaled, then slowly looked over at the power tools hanging on a peg board above the work bench. As if a powerful revelation had come to him, he asked the group, “Did you ever really look at all these tools?”
    Ned repeated, “Tools,” and guffawed.
    But Pike felt like he had hit upon something here. Maybe something important. “No, seriously. I mean, like, think about it. One day some guy just said, ‘I’m going to invent like a drill .’”
    The five of them thought about it for a second, then burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing they’d ever heard.

    In Marco’s parents’ bedroom, Sarah and Noah were making out like crazy. Noah often wondered where Marco’s parents went all the time. Marco’s dad was rich and Marco’s 29-year-old step-mom had just had his half-brother, Jaden. They must take the baby with them on vacation or something. He didn’t spend too much time thinking about it though, because at the end of the day he didn’t really care. Still, he wondered if he and Sarah had more sex in this bed than Marco’s parents.
    In between kisses, Sarah told Noah, “I’ve been waiting for this all week. I am so stressed out over finals.”
    “Why do you care?” Noah reassured her. “Wisconsin isn’t even going to look at these grades.”
    “I don’t want to talk about it,” Sarah
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