Langdown Manor

Langdown Manor Read Online Free PDF

Book: Langdown Manor Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sue Reid
know how to use a typewriter and I’d never want to work in a factory. But Miss Penelope had even less choice than I had. She’d been shunted off halfway round the world, and all that she had to look forward to was marriage or being a spinster. I wouldn’t want to change places with her even if I could.
    Robert’s head appeared round the door. ‘Didn’t you hear the bell, Jess? Miss Penelope’s maid is expected upstairs. Time for bye-byes.’
    I groaned and climbed off the sofa. And that was the other thing I didn’t like about my new position. My life at the end of a bellrope.
    â€˜So the life of a lady’s maid is not all it’s cracked up to be then?’ said Sarah. I shook my head vigorously.
    â€˜But at least there isn’t so much cleaning. Just think of all the extra housework Ellen and me have to do now.’
    â€˜I know, it isn’t fair.’ But it wasn’t my fault. I hadn’t asked to do this job. Roll on the day when Miss Penelope came out and had a proper lady’s maid to look after her.


    â€˜Tum tucked in. Tum and behind tucked in, Miss Penelope,’ Madame said.
    I wobbled downwards once again. Rising was even worse. In a few months’ time I’d be doing this in front of the King and Queen. How would I ever manage it in a corset?
    I scowled. It was a stupid way to spend a morning. But I had only myself to blame. Rashly I’d told Aunt my age – nearly eighteen – and she had decided that Arabella and I would come out together. Now I had to polish up all the accomplishments expected of a young lady – how to curtsy and climb in and out of a carriage gracefully. Aunt was to arrange for some dancing lessons for Arabella and me, and I was to practise the piano daily – one hand at a time until I could manage both together.
    I glanced at the window. Outside clouds were gathering – a forerunner of rain to come.
    We had begun the day sorting through my gowns. Out of fashion or too thin for the English climate, Aunt had pronounced. She’d made me climb in and out of gowns that Arabella had grown out of, which Aunt said would do nicely until new gowns could be made for me. Baxter had crawled on hands and knees around my ankles, taking in a tuck here, unpicking a hem there. Arabella and I grew in different directions.
    All my protests were ignored as I was hustled into a pink gown.
    â€˜You look lovely,’ said my aunt. Baxter pulled in the fabric at my waist. Her eyes met mine. Her lips were twitching.
    So now I was a figure of fun, too. I’d make sure to tear it the first time I wore it.
    â€˜ Please pay attention, Miss Penelope. We have a lot of catching up to do.’ I jerked myself back to the present. A despairing note had crept into Madame’s voice.
    â€˜Remember what I told you. We are backing out of the royal presence.’ I saw her glance at her watch. Did she find this as tedious as I did? I reversed, wondering how I was to do this without tripping over my train. ‘Hold out your arm, Miss Penelope,’ Madame sighed. ‘The Lord Chamberlain will throw your train over your arm before you walk backwards. Watch and learn, Miss Penelope. Watch and learn.’ It was her favourite mantra. I marched backwards, arm stuck out. I must look ridiculous. I glanced at Arabella. Her face was like stone. I’d more easily get a smile out of a statue. ‘Much better, Miss Penelope,’ Madame cooed. ‘Perhaps we should stop now, when we are doing so well. Tomorrow we will practise getting in and out of a carriage like a lady.’
    If I hadn’t killed myself first.
    I’d arranged to join Clemmie and her governess in the hall at three for Clemmie to take me to the stables. It was in the house that I felt my worst, I decided. I’d be myself again after a good gallop.
    I was in the hall before the clock struck three, dressed for riding in habit, bowler and
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