Know Me (DEFIANT Motorcycle Club)

Know Me (DEFIANT Motorcycle Club) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Know Me (DEFIANT Motorcycle Club) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cora Brent
yesterday.  “After all,” he said softly, “I always keep my promises, Kira.” 
    I grabbed the bag of toiletries I’d purchased at the drug store and retreated to the bathroom.  Once I got a look at myself in the mirror I understood the meaning behind Orion’s ambiguous glance.  Dressed in an oversized t-shirt, my hair around my shoulders and my face free of makeup, I looked all of twelve years old. 
    I sat down on top of the closed toilet, thinking.  It was the provocative outfit I’d arrived in yesterday which made Orion realize I was a woman now.  But if I covered my body and went without makeup, he might remember me as the girl he’d known instead.  And then he wouldn’t want me.  Not that way. 
    B ut was that the best idea?
    As my mind remembered Orion’s touch, my body began to respond , my nipples hardening, my center moistening. I didn’t have any other ideas right now and giving Orion his way might give me some time to sort things out without having to worry every moment about the cops or the SF’s. 
    I knew that wasn’t all there was to it though.  The hard truth was I wanted Orion as much as he wanted me.  The hours of yesterday’s anguish had done something to me.  Whatever innocence had lingered in my soul was shattered.  What sense did it make holding on to my virginity? 
    By the time I emerged from the bathroom, Orion was nowhere in sight.  I found him inside Riverbottom, talking in hushed tones with the gruff man who had spoken to me first yesterday.  The man’s eyebrows rose at the sight of me and Orion watched my entrance with an expression which managed to be somewhere between relief and desire.  In Rachel’s short skirt and tight halter top, my face tastefully made up and my long hair teased, I sure as hell didn’t look anything like the little girl he’d once known. 
    The other man held out a hand.  “Kira,” he said.  “I’m Casper.”
    “Oh, you’re Rachel’s, ah, man,” I finished, not terribly sure where they stood. 
    He laughed.  “Among other things.”   I noticed he was a few years younger than Orion, though a head shorter and stockier.  He slapped Orion meaningfully on the side of the arm and retreated to a corner which was occupied by a few of the other members of Defiant who had been present the night before for the toast to my dead father. 
    Orion still watched me.  “You want a drink?”
    I shook my head.  “No, it’s like not even noon.  And anyway, I guess I shouldn’t be in here.  I’ m not quite twenty yet.” 
    His gaze turned cool.  “I know how old you are, Kira. I was there the day you were born.”
    “Right,” I muttered.  Then I remembered something.  “Hey, our birthdays are only a few days apart.”
    He shrugged.  “So?”
    “So, you must be having one next week, right?”
    “Yeah, you’re right.”  Orion thought about that.  “ Big Four Oh it’ll be for me.”  He took a step toward me and moved so close I had to bend my head back to look up at him.  “Must seem positively ancient to you.” 
    “Ancient?” I laughed.  “No, just a little antiqued perhaps.” 
    He was so close I could feel the heat of his body.  I wanted to look down.  I wanted to see if that place between his legs bulged but instead I kept my eyes locked onto his. 
    “You hungry?” he asked me lightly, running a thick finger over my collarbone. 
    “Starving,” I admitted, shifting uneasily as my body responded to the heat of his touch. 
    Orion snapped his fingers.  “Come on,” he said, placing a large hand at the small of my back and leading me back to the clubhouse. 
    To my surprise, Orion let me to a tiny kitchen off the main room.  None of the other club members were around.  He began searching through cabinets.  “Rice Crispies?” he finally asked, holding up a blue box. 
    I nodded.  “Yes, thank you.” 
    He laughed to himself.  “So fucking polite.”
    Orion found a plastic bowl and poured
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