Kniam: A Terraneu Novel

Kniam: A Terraneu Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Kniam: A Terraneu Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stormy McKnight
in this area. The only
conclusion is that I am having a reaction to the creature. It got more severe
the longer I studied it."
    This was beyond bizarre, "First off I am not a
"creature"...I am a female . A female from Earth that happened
to fall into this crazy rabbit hole, from which it seems there is no escaping!
I do not have a disease, I am not an "it", or a "pet" or a
“specimen”...I am just a person!” She paused in her rant to take ragged breath,
“I have a name, and it’s Amber. Ammm-brrrrr?"
    She was gesturing and moving around the room, talking with her hands as
was her habit. “Secondly, Mr. Hunky there has an erection ,” She paused
in her pacing to glance at the person with the affliction, “I’m flattered,
believe me I am, but what is the big deal?" She looked up into purple eyes
and lost her train of thought. She jerked her eyes back to his face to get her
wayward thoughts under control. " What was I saying? Oh
getting turned on by me doesn't mean I've given you a disease!"
    Kneus stared at me, then at Kniam, then back to me, "For clarification
what is this...’erection’ you talk of?"
    Amber’s mouth dropped open. Really? They wanted her to explain an
erection? "You guys are kidding me right?” When all she got was glares,
she started with, “Uh...let’s see. When a man is aroused by something,
blood flows to his...I don't know what you call your man parts... but blood
flows there, to that organ. On Earth where I am from they have a lot of names
for it. Beaver Basher? Chubby? Donger? Johnson? Manhood? One-eyes-trouser
snake? The Little Kniam? Twig and berries… it’s a penis." She gestured at
the region on Kniam, her face flaming red, "When it is "erect"
then he is ready to have sex." That whole explanation sounded kind of lame
to her, but it beat standing there saying nothing.
    Kneus just gaped at her with his mouth open, and Kniam looked at her like
she had told him he had leprosy.
    "I am not ugly, fat or disgusting you know. Is it so far fetched
that he would find me sexually desirable? I mean I am a woman, he is a
man...and this body is pretty smoking hot if I do say so myself!" She
gestured from her head, over her breasts and down her legs.
    “What is “sex”? You have said it multiple times, and explain “desire” as
well.” Kneus demanded.
    She was in a room with two grown men giving what was turning out to be a
sexual education class, and the funny thing was, this wasn’t the craziest thing
that had happened to her today!
      “When a males sex organ is erect
he is ready for intercourse, I already said that part. Either you insert that
part into a female in what is called “sexual intercourse” or you take matters
into your own hands...” She gestured at the front of Kniams pants. She had
never in her life had a discussion like this one, and she didn’t want to have
to ever do it again! “Sexual desire is what makes a person ready for sexual
intercourse if both parties are willing to participate, or as I said, you go it
alone. That is as much of an explanation as you are getting!”
    Kniam got a concentrated look on his face, then “I have notified the
council. Knaleg wanted to come into quarantine with us, but I advised him to be
patient and wait. We can hold the meeting when this issue is resolved."
    "What? Wait a didn't talk to anyone..." Kniam
interrupted me before I could continue with my rant.
    "I talked with them here..." he tapped his temple. “We need to
understand a lot more about you little…fee-ma-le before this situation gets out
of control." Done talking to me for the moment, he walked to the wall by
the box and did a bit more button pushing. Turning around, moving to a table
and patting its surface he said, “Sit here.”
    I had seen enough movies to know I wasn’t getting on that exam table!
"Ok. I have had it, I'm ready to wake up now. I don't know what you want
to "understand" about me, but you can know this for a certainty:  
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