Kissed by Moonlight

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Book: Kissed by Moonlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shéa MacLeod
you ever seen a vampire with a soul?"
    "Vamps aren't made with souls," he said, eyes glued to the road.
    For a minute it didn't register, and then what he'd said hit me. "Does that mean a soul can be added later?"
    He was quiet for a moment. "There are rumors," he finally admitted with some reluctance. "Nothing with any real substance to back it up, but I've heard that certain government scientists have been using necromages to experiment with vamps. Trying to control them. Still, this is the government we're talking about. Even if it is true, it'll take sixty years and ten-trillion dollars. I wouldn't worry about it too much."
    "Why control?"
    He glanced at me. "They make the perfect weapon."
    I snorted. "They do not. Given the right conditions, that virus could spread like a wildfire." The Atlantean virus that had created vampirism was highly contagious and totally unpredictable. It turned its host into a ravening beast and killed anything human that remained. I had no idea what happened to a person's soul when they got turned into a vampire, but under normal conditions, it just... left the building. I'd seen it happen. Once.
    The government had never before taken an interest in the inner workings of a vampire other than as a disease to eradicate, a monster to destroy. They were far too dangerous to mess around with, otherwise.
    "That's true," Trevor agreed, "Unless you're trying to spread it." His face was impassive behind his aviator sunglasses.
    "What kind of an effing moron would do that?" It was insane. I mean, okay, I could see some lunatic in Congress or something thinking that setting a few vampires loose on our nation's enemies would be a clever idea. But it wasn't. Even if you could control the vampire, nobody could control the virus.
    Trevor shot me an amused look. "Please, Morgan, people have done dumber things for the promise of power."
    "But why put a soul in the vampire?"
    "You need a soul to control them. The trouble is getting one and then getting it into the vampire."
    I shot him a look. "Did you forget Brent Darroch? He controlled them without souls."
    "And look how well that turned out. They were unpredictable at best, and he could only control them as long as he was in the same city."
    "So putting a soul in them makes them less prone to crazy, and easier to control over distances?" It made a scary sort of sense, and I did not like the thought of somebody running around shoving souls into vampires so they could... do what exactly?
    "Theoretically. Like I said, it's only a rumor. Let's not forget why we're here."
    As if I could forget that.
    The road was blocked by a cyclone fence with a simple electric gate wide enough to let in a single car. Nothing fancy, nothing that shouted there was a top secret facility here. Except that next to the gate was a black Humvee, and next to it stood a man dressed in black, a nasty looking automatic weapon in his hand.
    "Give me your passport and keep your hands visible," Trevor said, eyes on the man in black.
    "Uh, okay." I handed Trevor the passport, then placed my hands on the dashboard in plain sight of the armed guard.
    The guard waited until Trevor rolled down the window and flashed his Environmental Protection Agency badge. In reality Trevor worked for the SRA, the Supernatural Regulatory Agency. The SRA was a very secret agency operating under the umbrella of the Environmental Protection Agency. Their job was to oversee all matters pertaining to supernatural creatures and events, and they paid people like Kabita and me big bucks for our "special" talents.
    Assured we were official, the guard carefully approached the car, ready to spray us with bullets should we make a misstep. It did not exactly inspire confidence.
    I noticed movement on the other side of the Humvee. A second guard, also in black, approached the vehicle, his gun pointed straight at my head. Freaking fantastic.
    The first guard was silent as he looked over Trevor's credentials and my passport. He
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