Kiss This
would be like to have his arms wrapped around her.
Better yet, what it would feel like to rub her own hands all over
his body, and to find out if he really did look like how she’d
pictured him naked.
    Definitely lust.
    Camryn glanced out toward the water, trying
to place that image in the surf. She could even hear his sexy deep
voice but couldn’t tell what he was saying—
    Her shoe hit a rock and she pitched forward.
A large pair of hands grabbed her arm and her waist, pulling her
upright before she did a nosedive into the sand.
    “What the—”
    “Fuck?” Teague finished for her with a
laugh, as they awkwardly lurched to a stop. “Yeah, it’s me
    She whipped around with wide eyes, wondering
how he’d suddenly appeared right next to her. Was she
hallucinating? She couldn’t even catch her breath, she was
breathing so hard.
    “Jesus, where’s the fire?” he asked, also
breathing heavy. “You were just… Hey, were you running away from
me?” he wondered, raking a hand through his dark hair.
    “What?” she exhaled, leaning onto her knees.
“No I wasn’t running from you. I didn’t even see you.”
    He reached over and nudged her shoulder
upward. “Even I know not to hunch over like that. Come on, runner
girl. What’s the deal?”
    She barely scoffed out a laugh. “What’s the
deal? I just ran almost four miles.” She glanced down the beach to
where his house was a football field away. “You only ran a hundred
yards. I surely hope you don’t need to keel over.”
    “I’d like to curl into the fetal position
right now. I just sprinted those hundred yards in sand . I don’t think I’ve ever run that hard in my entire
life. Not to mention almost breaking my ass jumping down entire
flights of stairs at a time till I hit sand.”
    She laughed again as she studied his face.
He was smiling and looking beautiful of course. But she glanced
down the length of him, realizing he was wearing shorts and a pair
of running shoes with his sweatshirt.
    He noticed her onceover and grinned. “Yes, I
was gonna run with you. Thought if I could impress you by keeping
up, you’d give me your name.”
    She pretended to consider it as her
breathing began to slow a bit. “And you ran those hundred yards to
catch up with me?”
    “I sprinted them. Fiercely. With
determination. And passion.”
    “Passion?” she repeated, raising her
    “It just slipped out. But it must mean
something for sure.”
    “Hmm, I guess so.” She tried not to smile as
she deliberated a response. “Okay, fair enough. It’s Camryn.
Spelled C-a-m-r-y-n.”
    Teague picked up a stick a few feet away and
started writing it in the wet sand.
    “What are you doing?” she smiled.
    “Making sure I’ve got a visual.” He finished
the last letter and looked it over. “Camryn,” he repeated, eyeing
her next. “It suits you.”
    She stifled a laugh.
    “What, you don’t like your name?” he asked.
“I like it a lot.”
    Shaking her head, she went with the truth.
“I thought the same thing about you when you told me your name.
Teague seems to fit you.”
    “Huh, interesting. I never spelled it for
you, though. Maybe you’d feel differently if you saw it spelled. I
mean even saying the letters out loud sounds weird to me.
T-e-a-g-u-e. Really? G-u-e? Sounds kind of stupid.”
    “I already figured it was spelled that way,”
she told him with a chuckle, writing it in the sand below her own
    “Really? I’ve never met anyone with my name.
I’ve met a Teagan, but that was a chick.”
    Camryn would have responded, but Teague took
the stick from her hand and drew a heart around their names. He
pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of it. “You
tell anyone I did something that sappy, I’ll throw you in the ocean
to never be found.”
    She didn’t know whether to laugh at his
words or remain stunned by his actions. Either way, she decided he
was pretty good at this flirting stuff, so she only smiled as
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