Kiss the Bride

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Book: Kiss the Bride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lori Wilde
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Fiction / Romance - Contemporary
addicted to those things.”
    “You’re too strong-minded to get addicted.”
    “You have no idea how bored I am.”
    “Let’s listen to your lungs.” Van Zandt took a stethoscope out of his pocket. He placed the earpieces in his ears and pressed the bell of the stethoscope against Nick’s back. The damn thing felt as if he’d just pulled it out of the freezer. “Deep breath.”
    Nick inhaled.
    “Have you been eating a healthy diet?”
    “I have a slice of pizza now and again, but otherwise I’m doing the whole rabbit food thing and staying away from beer like you said the last time I was here.”
    “Good, good.” Van Zandt nodded.
    “Why am I not healing? You really think it’s just because I haven’t been taking the pain pills?”
    “Could be. How’s your stress level?”
    “I told you, I’m going stir-crazy with nothing to do.”
    “Anything else going on?” Van Zandt finished listening to his lungs and came around the examination table to lay the stethoscope against Nick’s heart.
    “You mean beside the fact my grandfather died two days after I got wounded on the job? And my income has been cut by a third while I’m on disability? And oh, yes, my ex-wife, who left me on our honeymoon last year, just sent me a wedding invitation. Guess what? She’s three months pregnant, marrying a famous stand-up comedian, and moving to Martha’s Vineyard.”
    Nick didn’t like discussing his private business,especially that bit about Amber, but he was playing the sympathy card, hoping Van Zandt would feel sorry enough for him that he’d sign that release form.
    “Really?” Van Zandt looked surprised and dropped his stethoscope back into the pocket of his lab coat.
    “Yeah, my life’s a regular soap opera. You’ve heard it on TV, maybe read it in the tabloids. I’m the schmuck who got cuckolded by Gary Feldstein.” It occurred to Nick that he felt as empty inside as those new plastic specimen cups lining the shelf over the sink.
    He’d closed himself off emotionally and he was dead numb. Talking about it was like poking your arm with a needle after it had been submerged in ice-cold water for a long time—you’d already lost all the feeling, it was the perfect time for more pain, before the arm woke up and started throbbing like hell.
    “Ouch,” Van Zandt said.
    “Tell me about it. See why I have to get back to work? My mind’s a mess. I need the distraction.”
    “I see why you’re not healing. Excess stress takes a tremendous toll on our bodies. I’m getting married myself in August, so I do understand the anxiety involved. Although I can’t imagine what it must be like to get dumped on your honeymoon.” Van Zandt tried to appear empathetic, but only succeeded in looking constipated.
    “I would say congratulations, Doc, but I’m sorta soured on the whole subject of marriage.”
    “Understandably so.”
    “Word to the wise. Watch your back.”
    “I appreciate the warning, but I can assure you my fiancée isn’t like that.”
    “Yeah,” Nick muttered. “That’s what I thought.”
    “My fiancée and I have known each other since wewere children. She’s sweet-tempered, quiet, and modest. I’ve never met anyone so easy to get along with.”
    “Well, you know what they say about the quiet ones.”
    “I have no cause for concern.”
    The son of a bitch looked so damn smug. Like he had the world by the balls. As if he was so sure that something like that could never happen to him.
    “Whatever you say.” Nick shrugged. “Now that you understand where my tension is coming from, will you sign the form and put me back to work?”
    Van Zandt’s smile was kind, but firm. “Nice try, but no. Now let’s have a look at that leg.”
    He pulled back the paper sheet to study Nick’s injury, his fingers gently probing the knee. The wound was surprisingly tender, the scars still pink and fresh-looking. The kneecap was slightly puffy. Nick sucked in his breath at Van Zandt’s poking.
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