Kiss Me Like You Mean It

Kiss Me Like You Mean It Read Online Free PDF

Book: Kiss Me Like You Mean It Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dr. David Clarke
Tags: Religión, Ebook, book, Christian Life, Love & Marriage
but she insists upon calling Dad to get his input. It’s time for her to stop being Daddy’s little girl.
    A married couple is in a close-knit social group of couples. They go out with this group at least once a week and sometimes more often. It’s a lot of fun, but this couple’s relationship isn’t as close as it used to be. They’re having trouble finding things to talk about when it’s just the two of them. They are finding it more comfortable and more enjoyable to be with their friends.

First Things First
    Every one of The Big Six is important and can add value and meaning to life. Nevertheless, not one of them is as important as your marriage.
    When your spouse isn’t your top priority, your marriage automatically becomes less and less intimate. You don’t want that to happen, but it does happen. You slowly but surely pull apart and you experience a breakdown in these critical areas:
    You have very little personal, one-on-one time together.
    You have no regular, intimate communication.
    You don’t meet each other’s real physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
    If anyone or anything is more important than your spouse is, your marriage cannot be deeply intimate and passionate. That’s for sure. Your relationship will slip to good, pretty good, mediocre, and then poor. Finally, your love will die.
    What’s the solution to the damaging effects of The Big Six? It’s in the Song.

    “You’re My Number One, Baby!”
    I hate Ted. I’ve always hated Ted. I don’t believe there will ever come a day when I don’t hate Ted. “Who is Ted?” you ask, “and what did he do to you?” I’ll tell you who Ted is. Ted is the guy who dated Sandy in high school. That’s right. Ted was my beautiful wife’s boyfriend back in the 1970s.
    You’re thinking, “So what? Was Ted a jerk? Did he mistreat Sandy in any way?” No. Actually, he was a great Christian guy who treated her very well. His crime was (and remains to this day) having an exclusive, close relationship with Sandy. Just the thought of any other guy, even thirty years ago, being close to my Sandy makes me cringe.
    You see, Sandy is the most important person in my life and has been ever since we met in 1978. I am jealous, in a healthy way, of my relationship with this remarkable woman. She is my best friend. She is my confidant. She is my lover. She is my soul mate. I don’t want anyone to be closer to her than me. So, I hate Ted. If you’re reading this, Ted, I’m sorry. But, I’ll bet you hate your wife’s old boyfriends too.
    Do you think I’m into a little overkill here? Too intense? Out of line? No, I’m not. And I can prove it. Solomon and Shulamith feel the same way I do.
    You’re the Best!
    The Song of Solomon teaches that your spouse is your number one human priority.
    Solomon (2:2)
“Like a lily among the thorns,
So is my darling among the maidens.”
    Solomon says Shulamith is a lily, and all the other women are thorns. They are not even other flowers. Thorns! She is not one beautiful woman among many beautiful women. No. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, by far. No other woman is even close!
    Shulamith (2:3)
“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
So is my beloved among the young men.”
    Shulamith, not to be outdone, says Solomon is an apple tree and all the other guys are just regular, run-of-the-mill trees. An apple tree is much better than a plain, old tree, because it provides shade, comfort, and nourishment.
    Shulamith (5:10)
“My beloved is dazzling and ruddy,
Outstanding among ten thousand.”
    Her man is dazzling! That’s pretty high praise. When Shulamith uses the word outstanding, she is referring to Solomon’s character. As a man of character and integrity, she wants him to know he has no equal.
    Solomon (6:8–9)
“There are sixty queens and eighty concubines,
And maidens without number;
But my dove, my perfect one, is unique . . .”
    Perfect? Oh, come on! Nobody’s perfect! Wrong. Solomon
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