picked up the narrative. His specialty seemed to be astronomy. They made a screen of the empty wall across from the fire place. It was also new technology to her, though of a less esoteric sort. She had seen something like it in public places already, but with much poorer resolution. However unusual these fellows might be, they certainly had access to devices that were impressive.
She prided herself on being up for every extraordinary experience, but for all of Ted’s ardent enthusiasm and the cleverness of the two agents, her mind could not accept much of what they were saying. For Ted’s sake, she wanted to believe that the thing they were describing was some great breakthrough for the human race, but how many of those had appeared in the past and been immediately adopted for bad purposes? She had respect for Ted and gratitude to him for his role in mentoring her in her wide range of esoteric studies, but who or what was really behind the two men, she wondered. Whenever she tried to ask them anything about who they worked for or where they came from, they steered the conversation in a different direction.
“Now the name of this star is Theta and it is contained within the famous sword of Orion. We have named the paradigm after it because the role of these stars is so important to the playing out of the sequence of time altering events,” Ian said pointing at the image of a bright star on the wall.
“Is this a prophecy you’re talking about?” Ellie asked, wincing a little at the use of the word with men of the scientific persuasion.
“It doesn’t make any difference, discussing events in time is the same as describing objects in space, and objects in space are energy forms, as Einstein showed us. If you think of it that way, it will go a long way in helping you grasp the pivotal concept of what you and Ted will be able to do.”
“But didn’t Einstein also prove that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light?”
“Yes ordinary light is limited, but we believe this event involves an older form of light with different properties. Because it originated before what physicists call the inflation episode after the big bang, it does not share those limitations. We believe it is usually locked out of our universe, but that at certain times it gets through certain portal sites, such as exists within the Orion nebula.”
“And it takes both Ted and me to unlock it?” she asked incredulously.
“Now that is another key concept in understanding how energy works, polarities. You are the receptor, he the activator so to speak. The two of you can amplify this power if you are placed in the right environment at the right moment.” He drew back from the image of the star and the back wall was filled with the image of myriads of stars. “Here is the area where we’re expecting the burst to come from, breathtaking isn’t it?”
She nodded, admiring the lovely display. “Is that a Hubble image?”
“No, this was taken by a secret probe sent out a few years ago in the direction of Orion. The solar system is located on what is called the Orion arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Some of this work has been progressing for a number of years. Many of the stars in the constellation are relatively close, within a thousand light years. I know that sounds like a great distance, but in terms of the galaxy as a whole, it’s close by indeed.”
“We figured out that we could learn some important information if we pointed our telescopes in that direction. I happened to come across some of Ted’s research in the area of Irish pre-Celtic lore, dealing with stars. That information provided a missing piece of the puzzle that has allowed us to leap forward in our research.” He paused then added, “We think we will be able to collect this energy out of the center of Orion’s sword to transform everything.”
“Out of stars?”
“Well, through the nebula actually,” he pointed to the center of Orion’s sword. “It’s
Brian A de'Ville, Stewart Vaughan