King of Diamonds (Desert Sons MC Book 3)

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Book: King of Diamonds (Desert Sons MC Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathryn Thomas
    “Fuck!” Rog snarled as Jack helped him up. He spit blood into the sink. “Fuck, that hurts, you shit. Isn’t there something between the first one and that one?”
    “I’m sorry, Rog.”
    Roger spit again. “It’s okay. I asked for it. But you have a hell of a punch, you asshole. That was like being kicked in face by a fucking horse.”
    “Just be glad it wasn’t her,” he said with a nod at Tina. “She would’ve put you in the hospital.”
    Rog chuckled and spit one last time before he held his wrists out to be bound. “Why do you think I asked you to do it?”
    “This is your last chance to back out,” Jack said as he released the trailer brake on the rig.
    “We have to hurry,” Tina said as she motioned forward with her hand.
    Jack smiled then pulled her to him for a quick kiss. She was right… they had to hurry. It was a twelve-hour drive to Los Angeles and he wanted to make as many of those miles in the dark as possible so it would be more difficult to tell what type of cars were on the hauler. They had a bill of lading and manifest for the cars, and their story would be that they are talking them to the Cars as Art show, but if the theft had already hit the wire… no amount of paperwork would get them out of that. Better to just not get stopped.
    Jack gave a blast on the horns to check for air pressure, then hauled the rig out of Rog’s yard.
    Jack stopped half a block from the impound yard. He was blocking traffic, but that was going to be the least of his offenses soon enough. He swiped the card and the gate began to rumble open. He and Tina squeezed past the moment there was enough room and darted to the office. The attendant was sitting at the desk watching television when Jack burst through the door with his weapon out.
    “Don’t be stupid,” he growled as he pointed the gun.
    “For Christ sake, don’t shoot!” the man shouted as his hands went up. “Are you fucking crazy? This is the police impound yard!”
    “Yeah… probably,” Jack said. “Take his cell,” he ordered Tina. The office was little more than a shack, a small office area with a toilet and a sink in a separate small room, so they zip tied him to the drain on the sink.
    “Ray is probably wondering where I am about now,” Tina teased as they shut the door to the office.
    “Yeah, well, we’ll send him a thank you card or something.”
    While Jack brought the rig into the yard, Tina wrestled the big door open so they could get the cars out. It was nice of the police to leave the keys in the cars so they were easy to move. By the time Jack arrived with the truck, all the cars were uncovered and one of them was idling in the yard.
    As Jack drove the cars onto the truck, she ferried them into the yard and left them idling to warm. After the last car was in the yard, she locked down those already on the truck. After Jack loaded the last car, his Audi, he helped Tina finish locking the cars down.
    While Jack closed the roll-up, Tina first dropped the keys and electronic pass in the yard not far from the garage. When someone finds them later, they will think Ray just lost them... she hoped. After their little “in and out” at the art gallery two weeks ago, where they used stolen keys to get in without setting off any alarms, this should really make the cops scratch their head. She then darted across to the shack to deliver the pièce de résistance .
    “Did you do it?” Jack asked as she climbed into the truck while he waited for the gate to grind open.
    “You know that’s just going to piss them off.”
    “Ask me if I care.”
    “That’s my girl.” He grinned as he jammed the truck into gear and whined out through the gate.
    As the truck rumbled away, the sheet of paper with Thanks for taking care of the cars for us… Jack and Tina, written on it fluttered gently on the desk as the air
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