King Kobold revived-Warlock-2.5
the bee findeth a flower filled with nectar, doth he not return to that place to find other flowers nearby?”
    “Yes, and usually with more bees. I notice you brought a few stingers of your own.”
    Tuan glanced back at the army behind him. “The beastmen should be hard put to best these stout hearts.”
    “From the report I had, it’s not their hearts that’re in danger.” Rod turned Fess, falling in alongside Tuan. The King kicked his heels into his horse’s ribs, and the column began to move south again. Tuan nodded.
    “Thou dost speak of the Evil Eye.”
    “I doth,” Rod agreed. “How much faith do you put in that part of the re-port?”
    Tuan shrugged. “ ‘Tis wisest to believe it true, and guard against it as best we may.” He pinned Rod with a stare. “What charm is there against it?”
    Rod shrugged. “Beats me; I’ve never run into it before. Haven’t the slightest idea how it works. For all I know, they might just be so ugly that you freeze in horror when you look at ‘em.”
    Tuan shook his head firmly. “Nay. If the report is true, ‘tis magic, not simple fear.”
    “Well, ‘disgust’ was more of what I had in mind. And, of course, the report it-self might not be too accurate. Who’d it come from, anyway?”
    “Mothers and grand-folk who were fleeing as they saw. And three of the footmen still live, though with grievous wounds; they have not spoken much, but what little they have said confirms the report, that
    ‘twas the Eye that froze them.”
    “Not exactly ideal spying conditions, in either case,” Rod mused, “and not enough information to work up anything to counter it. Still, it does seem that they have to look you in the eye to freeze you; so pass the word to look at their hands, their hats, their teeth—anything but their eyes.”
    “Well, ‘tis better than naught,” Tuan sighed. “But I would thou couldst find a better remedy, Lord Warlock. A soldier is hard put to avoid his enemy’s eyes, in the melee.”
    “Well, it’s the best I can do, for the moment,” Rod grumped. “I’ll try to get some firsthand experience if they attack again. Then maybe I…”
    “Nay.” Tuan drew up sharply and looked Rod in the eye. “Thou must learn this to thy sorrow, Lord Gallowglass, as I have had to: thou art now of too great worth to be risked in the melee. Thou must needs stand apart, with me, on high ground, to aid in the directing of the battle.”
    With a sinking heart, Rod knew Tuan was right; an army did fight better when it had overall direction.
    “Your Majesty is of course always right. I’ll stay out of it as long as you do.”
    Tuan eyed him skeptically. “Do not think that will aid thee. I have gained in patience.‘’
    He wasn’t doing so badly in perceptiveness, either; three years ago, he would’ve missed the sarcasm.
    “All of this assumes, however, that we have time to pick our ground before the fighting starts.”
    Page 17
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    “Ah.” Tuan turned back to the south and began riding again. “That is thy part.”
    “Oh?” Rod eyed him warily. “Am I supposed to magically transport this whole army to the ground you choose?”
    “Nay. Thou’rt to secure us warning that raiders come, far enough in advance that we may ride to the place they will attack, and be there before them.”
    “Oh.” Rod’s lips held the shape of the letter after it was gone. “That’s all I’ve got to do, huh? Mind telling me how? Am I supposed to set sentries pacing a mile offshore?”
    “Aye, if thou canst derive a spell that will prevent them from sinking.”
    “Oh, nothing easier! It’s called ‘rowboats.’ ” Rod frowned. “Hold on, now. That almost sounds sensible.”
    “Aye, it doth.” Tuan turned to him. “A line of sentries in small craft just be-yond the horizon, to watch for a mast. But how will they sound the alarm?”
    “They could row.”
    “The beastmen will row more
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