Killer Secrets

Killer Secrets Read Online Free PDF

Book: Killer Secrets Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lora Leigh
    room. "You can go on to bed."
    "Are you sure, Ms. Porter?" His voice was colored
with suspicion as he held to his role and Deke's lips
    quirked mockingly at the challenge in Daniel's voice.
    "I'm positive. I'm certain the room is secure."
    Daniel wasn't a stupid man, he knew Ian was there as well
as she did. He entered his own room and
    closed the door behind him as Kira pulled her key card from
the lining on the inside of her sinfully
    high-heeled boot.
    She had hit the clubs early that evening, hoping to catch a
glimpse of Ian before he found her. It seemed
    it had been a wasted effort. How long had he been waiting
in her room instead?
    She was nervous. She hadn't been nervous over a man since
the last time she had seen Ian. Before that,
    she had never known a moment's nerves with a potential
    She could feel the blood rushing through her veins, need
pooling between her thighs, and a haunting ache
    tightening her chest. An ache that had little to do with
the arousal, but much to do with the emotions he
    inspired in her. Emotions as alien as the nerves.
    "Is he upset?" She twirled the card in her
fingers as she stared back at Deke, allowing a small grin to curl
    the edges of her lips.
    Deke glanced at her door, a grin quirking his sensual lips.
"Ask him yourself and see."
    As she turned back to the door it swung open. A hard hand
gripped her wrist and jerked her inside
    before the door slammed closed behind her.
    She was pushed against it, her breath whooshing from her
lips as her hands were gripped in one of his,
    held high above her head, and every inch of her body was
molded to the hard length of his.
    Her juices pooled between the lips of her sex then eased
into the silk of the thong she wore beneath her
    leather pants. Her nipples spiked impossibly harder, and
she swore she could feel a bead of sweat
    tickling between her breasts.
    No one had ever felt like Ian. Hard, in control,
commanding. Every touch, every action, gauged for
    maximum pleasure.
    The hand holding her wrists tightened as the fingers of the
other threaded through her hair and pulled her
    head back to stare into the blazing heat of his deep brown
eyes. Eyes almost as rich as brandy, fired with
    dark little hints of red and filled with fury.
    Dark blond hair fell over his forehead; the rich mix of
colors, sun lightened and thick, lying long along his
    nape and falling over his brow made her long to bury her
fingers in it again.
    He turned her on in ways she had never been turned on
before. She dreamed about sex with Ian. Lusted
    for it. Ached for it. She had agreed to deceive him for the
slightest chance to be touched by those hard
    hands again.
    "What the fucking hell are you doing here?" he
snarled down at her as his head lowered.
    His lips buried in her shoulder, opening to allow his teeth
to grip the flesh there, his tongue to lap over it
    with quick heated strokes as she jerked against him.
    "Business." Her head lowered as well.
    The strong column of his neck was there for her enjoyment.
Her teeth raked it. She licked slowly and the
    taste of male lust exploded against her taste buds.
    God, he tasted good. She sucked at the flesh, a little moan
escaping her throat as he picked her up,
    turned her, and in the next second bore her to the bed.
    "Ian." She gasped his name, feeling the hard
length of his body covering hers, his thighs spreading hers,
    his cock pressing hard and demandingly into the butter-soft
leather covering her sex.
    Her hands were still stretched above her head, her breasts
perilously close to spilling from the cups of
    the leather bustier she wore.
    She felt bound. Helpless. She had never felt that way with
a man before. She had never wanted to feel
    that way until Ian had shown her the pleasure to be found
there. Now she craved it. Craved him with a
    hunger that refused to be quelled.
    "You have no business here." His lips drew back
from his teeth as his free hand tugged at the ties that
    secured the front
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