Jodi got to meet Travis’ grandmother Norma Sarvey during a visit to Riverside. He
still wouldn’t introduce her as girlfriend, she said.
Jodi and Travis shared a desire to travel together. They were both big fans of a
book called “1,000 Places to See Before You Die,” and they tried to cross off the
easy ones on the list in their geographic area such as Sedona, Ariz., Carlsbad Caverns
in New Mexico and the Grand Canyon.
Chapter 7 The Breakup: Jodi Unravels
Chapter 7
The Breakup: Jodi Unravels
“I love him. I could not possibly love him not, though I wish I could stop.” - Jodi
Jodi and Travis broke up in late June 2007. She says he was cheating on her so she
ended it. Travis’ friends say he felt she was becoming increasingly obsessive and
In most breakups, couples want to get away from each other. They move out, avoid
public places where they might see the other person, sometimes even relocate to different
cities for a fresh start.
Not Jodi.
A few weeks after they broke up, she actually moved from California to Mesa to be
closer to him.
She lived there until the spring of 2008 - a tumultuous period of her life that she
later described as a roller coaster of emotions. Passionate lovemaking sessions, followed
by nasty fights. The fuse was burning real fast by now.
“I was making a string of bad choices during that time in my life,” Jodi would tell
jurors at her trial.
Jodi had all sorts of hard luck while in Mesa. She had a roommate right after moving
to Arizona, but then the roommate ran off to Las Vegas with her boyfriend and got
hitched. Jodi had to find a new place to live, and just so happens, she found one
just a few minutes from Travis.
He was a little upset and caught off-guard by the decision because such a move might
put her in the same Mormon ward. How could he possibly move on and find a nice companion
at church events if Jodi was always lurking? Jodi made sure she ended up in a different
singles ward, so everything was fine in that regard.
She was making questionable financial decisions at the time, struggling so badly
to make payments on her 2004 Infinity G-35 that she relinquished it to the dealership.
Her restaurant jobs weren’t paying much and she was running up debt with her parents
and other family members.
To earn extra money, she would clean Travis’ house.
Travis began dating a girl named Lisa Andrews after Jodi. He first met Lisa at church.
She was Mormon, too. They talked at ward gatherings and later started texting and
talking on the phone. They started dating in July, right after the breakup with Jodi.
Lisa was 19 at the time, about 10 years younger than Travis.
They dated off and on for roughly seven months, and drama seemed to follow them every
step of the way. Travis had just turned 30 and kept telling Lisa that he wanted to
get married - he was ready to give up the single life and settle down with a nice
Mormon girl. Lisa wasn’t quite ready for that, still less than two years out of high
She didn’t know quite what to think when she heard a rumor going around her circle
of Mormon friends and family: Travis was seeing someone else. It turned out to be
Jodi. On top of that, he and Jodi had been taking out-of-town trips together in what
Travis brushed off as innocent little excursions.
Lisa broke it off, but the always-persuasive Travis convinced her that they should
give it another shot. They got back together but broke up again after Lisa said she
became uncomfortable with Travis’ unrelenting talk of marriage. She dumped him a second
time, but again, they got back together.
Then, on Dec. 8, Lisa got a disturbing email from an anonymous sender.
It read:
“You are a shameful whore. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms
you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more
time or even sleep under the