Kept: An Erotic Anthology

Kept: An Erotic Anthology Read Online Free PDF

Book: Kept: An Erotic Anthology Read Online Free PDF
Author: Holly Roberts
how I got there. “Did you zap me again with your laser drug?”
    I liked hearing him laugh.
    What the fuck was wrong with me? I had a mission. Information—numbers, location, potential for harm. I lost all sense of who I was when he was this close. I wiggled away, jumped from the bed looking around for my dress. He watched me with that slight smirk tilting his lips. The lips I wanted to kiss and the naked body that I wanted to fuck.
    “We need to talk.” I desperately tugged the black sheath over my head, wiggling my hips as I pulled it as far down as it would go; which wasn’t far.
    “Pillow talk, little warrior. You have forgotten your training.” His voice was a vibrator on steroids; a sultry blend of fuck me and kiss me, both at the same time.
    “How do you do that?”
    His grin widened. “Do what?” He sounded so innocent.
    “There is something wrong with you and you make something happen to me just by opening your fucking brown eyes. You need to stop. I need to think.”
    I watched him crawl from the bed with the sleek grace of a panther.
    I needed to fuck him again.
    I backed away. He stalked forward. My back hit the wall at the same time his hands came up and rested next to my head, his arms bulging from wrists to shoulders. The vein in his neck pulsed invitingly.
    For just a moment, I wanted to rip it out, taste his hot blood, let it wash over me. I could almost smell the metallic scent; see the thick crimson liquid flow from his body.
    “What? The fuck? Is wrong with me?” I shoved him back, which was like moving a two-ton brick wall. He didn’t budge an inch.
    He tipped his head, whispering against my ear, his warm breath shimmering against my skin. “You’re okay, little warrior. If I don’t touch you again, the effects will wear off in a few hours.”
    “Hours?” My voice was shrill.
    “Yes; then we’ll talk.”
    Me, a captain in the U.S. Army, one who kicked ass and took names, did something I hadn’t done in years. I cried.
    His warm arms encircled me and my tears ran down his chest. I was asked by my country to fuck a vampire. Given a promotion for prostituting myself and told I would be a hero. What a fucking lie. They didn’t care about me. What would my parents say? My baby sister? I’d worked my entire career to earn respect and be treated like a soldier.
    I couldn’t stop crying. When he finally picked me up and cradled me against his chest, my dress was on the floor somewhere in my bedroom. He carried me to his. It was more luxurious though blurry through my tears. He turned on the water of a giant Jacuzzi tub, using one hand, the other under my knees, my arms clasped around his neck. I kept my head buried against him as the bath filled. He didn’t say anything and I guessed I was no longer his little warrior.
    Warriors didn’t cry.
    They also didn’t need their noses blown but that’s exactly what I did when he put the tissue up to my face. He finally stepped in the water, released my legs, and pulled me down so I rested on top of him. Small trembling puffs of air came from my mouth every few seconds, the remnants of my crying jag. My eyes were still blurry but I could see his nipple ring and though I tried, I couldn’t fight the temptation to caress it with my finger.
    He smoothed my hair and just held me for several minutes before he spoke, “Tell me something about yourself; something that won’t make a difference in our duty.”
    I was feeling mellow and this question was exactly what I needed. “I’m addicted to cookie dough ice cream. I can eat half a gallon all by myself in two days. Tell me something about you.”
    “I’ve never had cookie dough ice cream.”
    I growled and his chest shook under my head when he laughed.
    “I like your human jeans and t-shirts. I love the way they feel against my skin.”
    “What about BDUs?”
    “Battle Dress Uniform. You know; lots of pockets, camouflage to make you blend in with your surroundings,
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