JUSTICE Is SERVED (Food Truck 7)

JUSTICE Is SERVED (Food Truck 7) Read Online Free PDF

Book: JUSTICE Is SERVED (Food Truck 7) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chloe Kendrick
and I let myself out of the food truck’s door.
    “What?” I asked again. Danvers had still not said anything to me, though he obviously wanted to tell me something.
    “So now you’re finding dead bodies at weddings?” he asked. “When did that become a thing? Not enough corpses for you in a normal work week?”
    I shook my head. “We catered a wedding for a friend. Remember the woman with the bloodhound? She and her fiancée got married.”
    Danvers nodded. Land and I had both speculated that Danvers was dating Land’s sister, Sabine, but neither one of them would ever confirm the relationship. I wondered if they’d ever discussed any formal type of courtship, or getting married. I thought about asking now, just to throw him off, but he seemed to have something he wanted to tell me, so I just waited.
    “So this Sheila Green called me today, first thing. Got me out of bed. She wanted to know all about ‘that food truck lady and her hunky boyfriend.’”
    I bristled a little. While I knew that other people, men and women, found Land attractive, this Sheila Green was supposed to be doing her job, not checking Land out. I worried about how her behavior might affect the investigation. Would she lock me up so she could have a clear shot with Land? “What did you tell her?” I asked, wanting to get away from that subject. I wasn’t about to share my insecurities with Detective Danvers, who might use them against me if he thought he’d get a promotion out of it.
    “The truth – that you tend to find a lot of dead bodies, but that you’re not involved in any material way in any of the cases and that you posed no threat to her or to her case.”
    I sputtered. “But I helped –”
    Danvers grinned at me. “Yeah, that’s exactly the impression I don’t want her to get about you. Conniving, scheming, wanting to put your nose where it doesn’t belong. Police detectives do not find those to be endearing character traits. You don’t want to get on her bad side from the start.”
    “I just help out as needed and make sure that justice is served.” I whined. I was thoroughly annoyed at the description and the other detective and the way in which Danvers had totally sold me short to this woman.
    “Look, if you think that I’m hard-nosed, you haven’t seen anything yet. This woman is one tough cookie. She is strictly by the books, and you will definitely need to be on your best behavior for her. She’d have no problem locking you up for obstruction if you get in her way. Do you understand?”
    “Yes,” I said with resignation. I didn’t like it, but I would keep my distance from this woman at all costs. “Will you tell Land the same thing when you see him?”
    “Good. I already talked to Land last night. He had a few questions about the case and the effects of certain poisons. He also had questions about different strangulation techniques. I told him what I told you. Steer clear of this woman and this case.”
    I nodded and turned around to go, but Danvers apparently wasn’t done.
    “So what’s this about a hot dog in his pocket?” Danvers asked. “It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard of.”
    “Apparently he liked to make sure that he didn’t go hungry. He didn’t look obese, but he wasn’t starving by any means.”
    Danvers looked at me. “Green asked a number of questions about your business. I’m going to keep an eye on this situation, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised from the questions if she thinks he was poisoned by something you served him. I’ve seen how you do business. It would be nearly impossible to poison just a few jalapeno slices or an ounce of a glaze. It would have to be a special order with unique ingredients and from her account, that didn’t happen last night.”
    I sputtered again in frustration. This conversation was not at all what I wanted to hear on a Monday morning. “That’s absurd. The only people we knew at the event were the bride and groom. Everyone
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