“Hardee-har-har,” said Stink.
Down came the beach blanket onto a rickety, three-legged picnic table. Judy and Stink squished into a giant cup from the old teacup ride.
“Look at that,” said Opal. “We’re eating in the Fun Zone!”
“You mean the UN-Zone,” said Judy. “It’s missing a letter.”
“This has gotta be worth some thrill points,” said Opal, too cheerily.
“Not as much as a cemetery Creep ’n’ Crawl.”
Aunt Opal opened the picnic basket. “I know. Sorry ’bout that. Let’s see, baloney for you… and turkey for Stink.”
“But no mayo, right?” said Stink. “Mayo is gross-o.”
Judy pulled out her sandwich and raised it to her mouth. JUST as she was about to chomp down, she sniffed her sandwich. “Something smells weird.”
Stink took a whiff of his sandwich. “Mine smells funny, too. Almost like —”
Her teeth touched the bread. She was about to take a bite, when —
“SCAT!” Stink swatted the sandwich out of Judy’s hand. He flipped it over. Stink jumped up and pointed. “Oogley-boogley, ugh, ugh, ugh!
Judy stared at something brown and squishy on the bottom of her sandwich. “What IS that?”
“It’s scat! As in doo-doo! Dung! Manure! POOP!” He showed her his sandwich, smeared with brown goo.
Judy and Stink hopped up and leaped as far away as they could, falling off their giant teacup and screaming “AGHHHHH!”
Aunt Opal slammed the basket cover on the rest of the bags. “Crap!”
“That too,” Stink said, smiling.
A week later, Judy took her new postcard from Rocky up to her room. She taped it to Jaws, next to her laptop.
(If you get this on July 23.) I’m up to
–The Rock Man
Judy turned on her computer and started typing an e-mail.
Dear Rocky,
Sorry I haven’t written in soooo long. You won’t believe all the stuff that’s happened in the last couple of weeks. Have you ever been on a poop picnic? I have and it STINKS on ice! Hardee-har-har.
Judy heard loud laughter coming from Stink’s room. “Be quiet, you guys! I can’t hear myself write!” She popped her head into Stink’s room. He was giving Aunt Opal a driving lesson on his race-car bed. “So the main thing is, you hold your hands on the steering wheel at ten and two, like a clock.”
“You guys are
me crazy,” said Judy. “Can’t you play a
game like Sign Language or something?”
“Or something,” said Stink. He hopped up and shut the door.
Judy went back to her letter.
We canNOT find Mr. Todd anywhere! Frank and I looked — at the mall, at the park, at Speedy Market. We even found a guy with a GOT MUSIC cap just like Mr. Todd’s, but he turned out to be A STATUE!
Amy has a bazillion Borneo points. Get this: I’m almost out of dares and I still don’t have ONE SINGLE thrill point! No lie! I tried to ride an elephant at the zoo. But Aunt Opal wrecked the car on the way there and we got hauled away by a tow truck. Zero thrill points. One night last week we tried to sneak out after dark and do gorilla art. (Long story.) Bad idea. Rained out. Then there was the surfing lesson with Frank at the beach. Really, really bad idea. I ended up kissing a dead jellyfish! Bluck!
So my thrill point count is nada, zip, zero, zilch, thanks mostly to SpongeFrank SquareBottom! Please, please, PUH-LEASE think up some more dares for me because summer is more than half over and I’m gonna be a no-point, dare-doing loser!
About a week later, Judy was pulling a torn and dirty wedding dress on over her shorts when the doorbell rang. “Judy! Frank’s here!” called Aunt Opal. “Or should I say
Judy gave one last tug to the beehive fright wig on her head. “Coming!” She grabbed her backpack and raced downstairs.
“Hey, Judy! Ready for the Evil Creature Double Feature?”
“I love your square head,” said Judy. “Are those real bolts in your