Journey to the Well: A Novel

Journey to the Well: A Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: Journey to the Well: A Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diana Wallis Taylor
marriage as she feels best for Marah. You will not interfere! Your mother and I will seek a bride elsewhere for you. There is a young woman from among our cousins in Sebaste. Her name is Tirzah. I have heard that she is a virtuous and worthy young woman. Your mother and I will travel to Sebaste to speak to her parents.”
    Jesse’s father gripped his shoulder in a gesture of understanding and then left Jesse to deal with his feelings alone.
    Now, looking at Marah, his anger made him bold. “I don’t want another bride. You have lived in my heart since we were children. How can God take you away from me?”
    Then Jesse hung his head. “I knew it was useless to argue with my father.”
    Like Marah, he had been raised to be obedient, respecting his parents and the law. “If my thoughts against Zibeon were so many poisoned arrows,” he growled, leaving the sentence unfinished.
    Trying to think of something to say to him, Marah’s eyes grew misty. “Do you remember how we met, Jesse?”
    He nodded. “You were only about six. I was much older and wiser—ten,” he smiled ruefully. “You had wandered away from the mourners after the death of your mother. You were sitting in the tall grass, weeping.”
    Marah smiled at the memory. “You wiped away my tears and gently led me back to my house and the arms of my father. He was so overcome with grief, he hadn’t seen me go.”
    “He was nearly beside himself with worry when they couldn’t find you,” Jesse said.
    As he looked down at her face, Jesse paused a moment, his eyes revealing his feelings. “I saw in the child the beauty of the woman to come,” he murmured huskily. “When you looked up at me so trustingly, I gave you my heart. I knew even then, you would be the one I would marry.”
    They stared at each other a long moment.
    “I hurried to bring the sheep to you each day just so we could talk.” She smiled shyly.
    “We were children. We were friends.”
    Marah nodded, thinking back to those years that seemed to have passed so quickly. She too had known that Jesse was the one who held her heart. Somehow between them there was an understanding, but her aunt had changed that now.
    “How I hate her!” Jesse said, clenching his fist.
    Marah, startled by his vehemence, suddenly realized he was also thinking of Reba. She shook her head sadly. If only Jesse had spoken sooner. God did not will them to be together.
    “My parents travel even now to Sebaste to make the arrangements for my betrothal to a cousin. Her name is Tirzah.” He shook his head. “If only I had not waited. If only I had gone to my father sooner. How could I know about Zibeon?” He sat down suddenly on a nearby rock.
    The pain in her heart was tempered by a small gladness. He had gone to his parents. It was just too late. She sighed. There was nothing that either of them could do. How could they have foreseen what different paths their lives would be taking?
    “There is so little time, Jesse. Reba has set the wedding date for after the fall harvest.”
    “She does not give you the full year?” His face showed the anguish he felt.
    Marah watched him struggle with his emotions. He remained quietly regarding her, and then with a sigh, he smiled at her.
    “Marah, I have something for you. You must take great care.” He bent down and lifted a stone near the tree. Taking out a small bundle wrapped in lambskin, he held it out to her.
    Her eyes grew wide as she anxiously unwrapped the gift. Jesse had carved another flute. She thought of the first small flute Jesse had carved for her out of olive wood, and of her joy when he placed it in her hands.
    “Oh Jesse, you can carve anything! It is so beautiful,” she had cried, her face radiant as she carefully took the little flute. She had few possessions, making this a wondrous gift.
    Covering the small holes with her fingers, Jesse showed her how to hold it and blow gently, producing the notes. She had kept it hidden under her pallet, taking it
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