Journey of Souls

Journey of Souls Read Online Free PDF

Book: Journey of Souls Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael Newton
twang of a tuning fork. Do you agree or disagree with this description?
    S: (nods in assent) Yes, that’s what this is … and I have a memory of scent and taste, too.
    Dr. N: Does this mean our physical senses stay with us after death?
    S: Yes, the memory of them … the waves of musical notes here are so beautiful … bells … strings. such tranquility.
    Many spirit world travelers report back to me about the relaxing sensations of musical vibrations. Noise sensations start quite early after death. Some subjects tell me they hear humming or buzzing sounds right after leaving their physical bodies. This is similar to the noise one hears standing near telephone wires and may vary in volume before souls pull away from what I believe to be the Earth’s astral plane. People have said they hear these same sounds when under general anesthesia. These flat, ringing sounds become more musical when we leave the tunnel. This music has been appropriately called energy of the universe because it revitalizes the soul.
    With subjects who speak about spiritual layering, I mention the possibility that they could be seeing astral planes. In metaphysical writing, we read a lot about planes above the Earth. Beginning with ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas, followed by later Eastern texts, astral planes have historically represented a series of rising dimensions above the physical or tangible world, which blend into the spiritual. These invisible regions have been experienced by people over thousands of years through meditative, out-of-body observations of the mind. Astral planes also have been described as being less dense as one moves farther away from the heavy influences of Earth.
    The next case represents a soul who is still troubled after passing through the spiritual tunnel. This is a man who, at age thirty-six, died of a heart attack on a Chicago street in 1902. He left behind a large family of young children and a wife who was deeply loved. They were very poor.
    Case 5
    Dr. N: Can you see clearly yet as you travel beyond the tunnel?
    S: I’m still passing through these… foamy clouds around me.
    Dr. N: I want you to move all the way through this and tell me what you see now.
    S: (pause) Oh … I’m out of it … my God, this place is big! It’s so bright and clean-it even smells good. I am looking at a beautiful ice palace.
    Dr. N: Tell me more.
    S: (with amazement) It’s enormous … it looks like bright, sparkling crystal … colored stones shining all around me.
    Dr. N: When you say crystalline, I think of a clear color.
    S: Well, there are mostly grays and white … but as I float along I do see other colors … mosaics … all glittery.
    Dr. N: Look into the distance from within this ice palace-do you see any boundaries anywhere?
    S: No, this space is infinite … so majestic … and peaceful.
    Dr. N: What are you feeling right now?
    S: I… can’t fully enjoy it … I don’t want to go further … Maggie (subject’s widow)
    Dr. N: I can see you are still disturbed about the Chicago life, but does this inhibit your progress into the spirit world?
    S: (subject jerks upright in my office chair) Good! I see my guide coming towards me-she knows what I need.
    Dr. N: Tell me what transpires between you and your guide.
    S: I say to her I can’t go on… that I need to know Maggie and the children are going to be okay.
    Dr. N: And how does your guide respond?
    S: She is comforting me-but I’m too loaded down.
    Dr. N: What do you say to her?
    S: (shouting) I tell her, “Why did you allow this to happen? How could you do this to me? You made me go through such pain and hardship with Maggie and now you cut off our life together.”
    Dr. N: What does your guide do?
    S: She is trying to soothe me. Telling me I did a good job and that I will see my life ran its intended course.
    Dr. N: Do you accept what she says?
    S: (pause) In my mind… information comes to me … of the future on Earth … that the family is getting on
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