laugh that made Douglas look at her more closely. She was still standing close to Ian, so close, he saw, that her shoulder was touching his arm. Her eyes glowed and there was warm color in her cheeks and lips; she looked utterly beautiful.
Ian grinned, a boy’s grin. “I thought you wanted me to come. You were the one who wrote to tell me what was going on here.”
“I didn’t mean you to arrive in the middle of the season’s biggest crush and drag Frances off the floor into a private room,” Douglas responded crossly. “How did you know this room was here anyway?”
“I asked the major-domo,” Ian replied simply, and Frances laughed again.
“Well, you’re both going back to the ballroom now. Together. It will be worse if it looks as if I had to bring you back. Then, Ian, you will turn Frances over to me. Fortunately it is my dance. Now go. I’ll join you in two minutes.”
His air of urgency made an impression on the girl and boy. They exchanged a glance and then Ian shrugged. “Oh, all right. Come on, Frances. I’ll come around to see you tomorrow.” They left the anteroom together, and when Douglas reached the ballroom he saw the two of them talking to Robert Sedburgh.
“Oh, there you are, Frances,” said Douglas as he came up to them. “My dance, I believe.” He turned to Ian and held out his hand. “How are you, Ian? It’s just like you to crash a party. When did you get to London and where are you staying?”
Ian’s dark eyes were aflame with laughter. “To answer your questions, Douglas, I am fine, I arrived in London about an hour ago, and I am staying with you.”
“Oh, you are?”
“Yes. Your man told me where I could find you, so I put on my evening gear and came. Who is the Countess of Pemberly anyway?”
“Oh dear,” said Frances, her social conscience finally stung. “You must find her and introduce yourself, Ian. Crashing a party is one thing, but totally ignoring one’s hostess is unforgivable.”
“I’ll introduce him to Lady Pemberly, Miss Stewart,” offered Lord Robert.
Frances smiled at him. “That is very kind of you, my lord.”
Ian’s eyes were on the assembled company. “Good God,” he said in a startled tone, “who is the old duck in the purple turban?”
Frances giggled and Douglas took her firmly by the elbow and led her onto the floor. “What are you up to?” he asked her severely.
She treated him to a wide, innocent gaze. “Everybody seems to be asking me that question tonight.”
“You look like a cat that swallowed the cream,” he told her. “Did Ian promise you to stay out of the army?”
“No.” A shadow crossed her face and then was gone. “But he will,” she said positively.
Douglas was not so sure.
Chapter Five
0 stay at hame, my noble lord!
0 stay at hame, my marrow!
Frances awoke the next morning with a bubble of happiness inside herself’. He came, he came, she hummed over and over beneath her breath. He wants to marry me.
The problem of Ian’s still-evident desire to join the army she brushed aside. She had felt her power over Robert Sedburgh last night. If he was willing to give up the army for her sake, why should not Ian? She decided to write a letter to her father. Surely he could get Ian into the University of Edinburgh.
At about the same time that Frances was happily laying her plans, Ian was saying to Douglas “How can I get Frances off by herself for a while, Douglas?”
“You can’t,” his cousin replied bluntly. “This is not Castle Hunter, Ian, and Lady Mary Graham is not your mother. She keeps a close eye on Frances. You may perhaps be permitted to drive her in the park, but only at the hour when half of London is there as well.”
Ian frowned. “You don’t mean it?”
“I do.”
Ian took a hearty helping of sausage. “Well, when Lady Mary discovers I am going to marry Frances she’ll loosen up.”
“Has Frances said she’ll marry you?”