very frustrating. I just about managed to puzzle out the names of emperors and the city in whose ruins I was wandering. I want to put the whole journey down in book form after I get the charts done for the Hydrographic Office. There has been almost no report of what is to be found on the south coast of Turkey since before Byzantine times. What I have to say may not be brilliant, but it will be better than nothing.”
“What you need is a classics scholar, like my brother Edmund, to help you.”
He looked interested. “You have a brother who is a classics scholar?”
“Yes. And I know he’d love to work on a project like this.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “I may try to conscript him. But first I must attend to the charts.”
* * * *
He did not start work on his charts immediately, however. The next few days he spent with Mr. Farnsworth , the estate agent. And he scrupulously put aside a part of each day for his son. On Friday, to Robin’s infinite delight, his father took him along on a tour of the estate farms. Robin rode his pony and was full of small-boy importance when they returned. From what he said to Laura, she gathered that the Earl had used the occasion of the ride to renew acquaintance with a number of his tenants.
He could not have picked a better companion, she thought as she listened to Robin rattle on. The little boy knew just about every living creature on the entire estate—animal as well as human.
His father made a similar comment to her at dinner that evening. “I felt as if I were escorting Devon’s most well-known face this morning. Even the dogs seemed to know him. Is he famous or notorious?”
Laura chuckled. “A little of both, I suppose. He has such a friendly nature. And I must admit I’ve encouraged his playing with the tenants’ children. It’s important for a child to have companionship.”
“Yes.” He looked at her soberly for a moment. “You have done a good job with him, Mrs. Templeton.” Faint color stained her cheeks, and he went on, “He also appeared to be a head taller than most of the other children his age. Is that true?”
“Yes. Robin is very tall for five.” She smiled at him. “In that respect he must resemble his father.”
His golden-brown eyes never wavered from her face, but she could sense his withdrawal. It happened, she thought, every time she smiled at him.
Chapter Six
On Saturday Lady Maria arrived at Castle Dartmouth. Mark had gone out with Mr. Farnsworth, so it was left to Laura to greet her.
“My dear, I was so surprised to receive Mark’s note yesterday. Whatever was he thinking of, to come down here when he must have known you were alone with Robin? It is not at all proper for you to be in the house with him without a chaperon.”
“A chaperon!” said Laura in a startled voice. “Surely I am past the age of needing a chaperon, Godmama.”
“Of course you are not past the age of needing a chaperon. You are twenty-two. And Mark is twenty-six. Really, I am very annoyed at him for his thoughtlessness.”
Laura was conscious of deep surprise as Mark’s age was mentioned. That composed and unrevealing face looked older than twenty-six. It was a face that guarded its thoughts and feelings well. She had spent rather a good deal of time with him these last few days, but she knew him no better than she had after their first dinner together. He was always courteous and coolly charming, but he kept himself to himself.
“I think you are being silly, Godmama,” said Laura now. “I am Robin’s governess. Lord Dartmouth is his father. There is nothing at all odd or improper in our living in the same house.”
“You may think I am being silly, my dear, but I assure you the world will think as I do. And you are not Robin’s governess. You are my goddaughter. I was not aware that we paid you a salary for taking care of him.”
“Of course you don’t pay me to take care of Robin! I do it because I want to, because I love