Jia: A Novel of North Korea

Jia: A Novel of North Korea Read Online Free PDF

Book: Jia: A Novel of North Korea Read Online Free PDF
Author: Hyejin Kim
grandfather called
me softly, looking outside through the open door. Grandmother had taken my sister to the mountains to pick some
herbs for dinner. I was sulking about being left behind.
    Grandfather sat me in front of him and said, "Jia, do you
want to go to school?"
    I was taken aback by the sudden question, but I instantly
said, "Yes."
    "Do you want to meet your mom's parents?"
    "The people wearing good clothes in the pictures? Yes,
sure." Quickly, I covered my mouth with both hands, because I was not supposed to know about the pictures. He
ignored my admission and rolled a cigarette, casting his
eyes down. "If you go with Uncle Shin, you can study in
a nice school, meet Mom's parents, eat very well, and have
lots of toys and clothes. If you stay here with us, you can't
meet good teachers or have lots of friends. Do you want to
go with him?"
    He seemed a bit surprised by my easy, instant reply but
merely took a deep pull on his cigarette. A little later, my
grandmother and sister returned empty-handed, having
found no herbs.
    That night, my grandmother put my clothes in a small,
gray, decrepit bag. Leading me to the kitchen, she gave
me my grandparents' and my mother's pictures. One photograph, taken when my sister was just born, showed my mother holding her infant in her arms. This picture was my
sister's most valuable possession.

    "In the place you're going, show these pictures and say
these are your grandparents and your mother. If people
ask you where you are from, what your parents are doing, and where they are, don't say anything. Just say you
don't remember. Don't talk to strangers before you meet
your grandparents. Just tell them you have pictures and
you know they are of your grandparents and mom, and
that the baby is you. Say you have to meet them. The pictures will definitely take you to your grandparents. Okay?
Erase your whole memory of this place. You'll miss us,
but don't ask other people to take you back here-it might
put our lives at risk. It's for your safety and our safety. You
understand, Jia?"
    I couldn't understand why they were so serious, but I
nodded my head on and on. It was then that Grandmother
told me the story of my parents, how they fell in love and
why they were torn apart. She assured me that my mother's
death was natural, and not my fault. My grandmother was
treating me like an adult, and it delighted me.
    That night, Uncle Shin came back, and my grandmother served him a whole table full of dishes. My sister and I
were beside ourselves at the sight of all the food: jangjolim
(beef boiled in soy sauce) and steamed potato with glazed
millet jelly, which we only ate on special days, like the
Great Leader's birthday. As we wolfed the food down noisily, I completely forgot about leaving and the conversations
with my grandparents.
    Tapping my stomach, filled to satisfaction, I fell asleep
as usual while they talked. In the middle of the night, my
body was shaken awake, and when I opened my eyes I saw only my grandmother's face close to mine. She spoke in a
whisper, "Jia. Get up. You have to leave right now."

    I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes; I didn't expect
it so soon.
    "Get up. Put these clothes on."
    She dressed me hurriedly. I was still so sleepy. "Do I
have to go right now?"
    "Yes-there's no time."
    Still I rubbed my eyes, looking for my sister. She was in
a deep slumber next to me, "How about Sister?"
    With flushed cheeks, Grandmother buttoned my darkgreen coat-my sister's favorite. "She is not going right
now. Hurry." She led me by my hand outside.
    Uncle Shin and Grandfather were already outside waiting for me. Everything was dark. I asked my grandfather,
again, "Is my sister going with me?" I didn't want to leave
by myself, though I was happy to go anywhere with Uncle
    "No. She's not going to go." Grandfather strapped my
small bag on my back.
    Uncle Shin stooped to level his eyes with mine. He
smiled and
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