
Jayded Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Jayded Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shevaun Delucia
Tags: Erotic, Romantic
latch on. And then there ’ s Max. Damn!
    I don ’ t know why it ’ s bothering me so much, but the fact that she just saw me in that predicament is killing me. Why the hell do I care so much? I saw her eyes. I saw something that I recognized as disappointment.
    I begin to walk toward her before she drives off, but Beth stops me. She grips my upper arm and pulls me back.
    “ Hey, where are you going? Your car is over there, ” she says, pointing to the main parking lot.
    I watch as Max pulls off, and when I can ’ t see her taillights any longer, I begin to walk to my car. Beth follows. I turn to stop her dead in her tracks. “ Where are you parked? ”
    “ I thought I would go home with you —”
    I shake my head. “ No, Beth. I ’ m sorry. I should have never —”
    “ Never what? Never put your tongue down my throat? Put your hands all over my body? ” she finishes, crossing her arms and putting all of her weight on one foot.
    I sigh. “ Yes. We shouldn ’ t have done that. It was the drinks. I ’ m sorry. ” I turn to open my car door. I hear her huff, turn, and stomp off to her car.
    The night didn ’ t end up how I expected. And watching Jonathan with his hands all over Max really pissed me off. Where does that dude get off? He ’ s still freaking married. I ’ ll be damned if he ’ s going to get his claws into her.
    I do have to admit, I feel a little guilty about Beth. But she threw herself at me — what does she expect? Does she expect me to marry her because of a kiss and some wandering hands? She already banged Matt, one of my coworkers, just a month ago to get me jealous. Did she really think having someone else inside her was going to make me want her back? Disgusting.
    In order for me to get any sort of chance with Max now, I ’ m going to have to work overtime. This might just be impossible, considering how classy she seems to be. She ’ s not just some normal girl. She ’ s a woman, a woman with purpose and charge. A woman who likes to be in control instead of being controlled.
    I ’ m not too sure how I feel about that, considering I ’ m always the one holding all the cards, but this change might be exhilarating and, honestly, a bit of a turn-on. I think in this case I just might allow her to think she holds all the reins. This should be interesting to see played out. I can ’ t wait to mention my plan to Jeff. He ’ s going to get a kick out of all this.
    I pull up to my apartment and turn off the ignition. Before I step out of my car, I see headlights pulling up behind me through my rearview mirror. The car parks right next to mine. I look over and see Beth. My stomach drops. This is not good.
    I step out of my car and walk around to her driver side window. “ What are you doing here, Beth? ” I ask, completely aggravated.
    A tear slides down her cheek. Great. I hate seeing a girl cry. I never know what to do or say, and I always panic. I ’ m sure she ’ s counting on this reaction.
    “ I don ’ t know. I was driving and I ended up here. I just want an explanation. What did I do that ’ s so wrong? We were so close, and then you just pushed me away without even explaining why, ” she answers. Tears are now flowing steadily down her cheeks.
    I run my hand over the top of my head, stalling to come up with a reply. I can ’ t just pinpoint one thing she did. It was just a feeling that came over me. She just wasn ’ t the one, and once I realized this, everything about her began to bother me. Instead of hurting her feelings, I just distanced myself, and that ’ s when her other side came out. A side I never saw, a side that she obviously kept hidden from me so I wouldn ’ t think she was crazy. Well, too late now, because I ’ ve already seen and witnessed the real her — and it ’ s not pretty.
    Now, seeing her here uninvited and crying just proves to me that I made the right decision. I don ’ t care how fucking hot she is — and she is smoking — it ’ s a
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