Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel)

Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Jar of Hearts (Glow sequel) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Molly Bryant
Ethan, Ethan! My, God already...
    Ben raised his pinky again, and I smacked the newspaper harder this time. Vanessa placed her hand between the both of us as if she were our mother trying to get us to stop while she was on the phone. I stuck my tongue out at him.
    “You are more than welcome to come and stay here,” she smiled. “As long as you need to,”
    I choked on my coffee, looking at her with wide eyes. Of course she would offer having the slightest clue about mine and her brothers weenie, itsy-bitsy past.
    “What's the matter? Ethan got your tongue?” Ben muttered, his eyes on his paper.
    “Understatement of the century.” I muttered, only Ben could hear me. Ben has brought Ethan up before and given my reaction when he did, he pretty much figured it out on his own. They are best friends so it's unclear if he has confronted Ethan about it, but he has never said anything to Vanessa. I think he knows better.
    “Love you too, Ethan. See you tonight,” she hung up with a frown on her face.
    “What's up, babe?” Ben set the paper down and pulled her onto his lap. I watched his concern for her as I sipped on my coffee.
    “Jackie left Ethan,” Vanessa's shoulders slumped forward. “She left him for the real estate agent that sold them their house a few months ago. Apparently, they had swapped numbers through the process and they have been texting and seeing each other behind Ethan's back,”
    “I'm sorry, babe,” Ben rubbed circles on the Vanessa's lower back as she sat there silently. Ben eyed me for a moment waiting for my reaction like always when Ethan was brought up. I played it cool.
    “Such a shame,” I shook my head. “Now, do you see why I don't get involved in relationships?” I was a hypocrite, I had hurt him too.
    “No, she just wasn't right for my brother is all,” she smiled. “There is someone out there for everybody,”
    “Wow, I never thought in a million years I would ever hear that from you, Vanessa,” I took another sip of my coffee.
    “Amen to that!” Ben high-fived me across the counter.
    “What?” she hopped off of Ben's lap. “I cannot believe you two are ganging up on me right now,” she frowned. 
    “Babe, I only agreed with her because you truthfully made it difficult to try and be with you,” he pulled her back to his lap.
    Oh, boy did she ever! I remember clearly, like it was yesterday. Miss. Love Doesn't Exist. She insisted that there were no good men out in the world nowadays. With Ethan and Ben being best friends when they were little, Ben fell in love with Vanessa but never told her how he felt up until about six months ago. She fought him and fought him on it too. It was clear she had feelings for him, but she denied them and him. Embarrassing enough to admit, I met up with them at club Estrada's one night in the hopes of having one of the best one night stands of my life with Ben only to be taken against my will to a coffee shop where Ben confessed to me how he felt about Vanessa which in turn caused Vanessa to hold me hostage bound to her kitchen chair. Thanks to Vanessa, I loathe Pinot and chiffon.
    Ben's Aunt Ellen being our boss, CEO of Glow fashion mag, he had talked her into doing a piece on players and why they play woman just to be close to Vanessa. They fought, and didn't get along whatsoever. He told her he loved her, and she freaked. Then she went to tell him that she loved him, only to freak again when she saw a naked skank leaving Ben's house. Turns out it was nothing she thought it was, of course. And here they are.
    I watched them pawing each other, kissing and making awful noises. I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed to my room. I needed to figure out what I was going to wear on my date with the delicious Marc Leland tonight. Oh, and of course it has to be delectable as I was going to come back home to what I was sure to be Ethan on Vanessa's couch. I smiled to
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