Jake's War, Book Two of Wizards

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Book: Jake's War, Book Two of Wizards Read Online Free PDF
Author: John Booth
must sort out the ward staff. They mustn't know what's happened and you don't want your mother arrested for drugging people,” Jenny persisted.
    I looked at her properly for the first time. It was the stress that made me say what I said next. Either that or my mind and good sense completely parted company.
    “You've put on a bit of weight.”
    Jenny flushed and her hand strayed to the bulge of her tummy. “This bit of weight kicks too. Birth control pills against a wizard didn't stand a chance.”
    It was my turn to blush. I wanted to talk to her, but not in front of my parents and Urda.
    “And Esmeralda's in exactly the same condition.” This time there was a touch of ice in Jenny's voice. “We'll have to have a long chat about that later, Jake Morrissey.”
    Dad gave me an encouraging wink, but Mam looked disapproving. I wanted to shrink under my sheets and disappear.
    “I never get any of the fun the other girls get,” Urda said to gasps. She ducked a swipe from Jenny and ran for the door. The distraction reminded everyone of more important things and the rest of them reluctantly followed her.
    “Don't forget about the staff,” Jenny called. She blew me a kiss at the door as I nodded my agreement.
    It took me a few minutes to realize I owed Urda another favor. Okay, I admit it. I can be slow on the uptake sometimes and needed her clever distraction or my head would have exploded.
    I'd somehow managed to get my girlfriend and betrothed pregnant at the same time. Even for a Wizard, that was pushing my luck a lot.

    Chapter Six: Complications
    When I woke the staff and changed their memories the doctors were called and expressed amazement at the improvement in my health. Connections were removed from my orifices, which was a major improvement from my point of view, if a little embarrassing.
    Given the constant demand for intensive care beds I was whisked out to a normal ward long before the sun rose. However, when I tried to get out of my bed to do what the pipes were no longer doing for me, I fell straight on my face.
    Four months without walking takes it out of your muscles, apparently. It would have been nice if one of the doctors or nurses had mentioned this before I found out the hard way, but you can't have everything.
    I had picked up a lot from Urda when she healed me and was able to encourage my muscles to strengthen at an unnatural speed. I knew I would never be as good at healing as her. On the other hand, I would never be as bad at it as I'd been before. A nurse informed me it might be two weeks before I could leave hospital, but I was sure I'd be fit enough to leave a lot sooner.
    I didn't expect my first visitors. They arrived early in the morning, taking advantage of the open visiting policy on my new ward.
    “It's good to see you recovering, Jake,” Brian Matthews said rather more cheerily than the occasion warranted. His wife, Gwyneth, stood behind him wringing the bottom of her jacket with her hands.
    “Do you know where Bronwyn—?” Gwyneth said before lapsing into silence. Her husband leaned over me and spoke urgently.
    “Listen, Jake. I've told the police I gave you a key and you were in the house looking for clues as to where Bronwyn might have gone. They'll be here soon to question you.”
    “You found me in the circle,” I said, remembering it vaguely.
    “We came home from hospital and there you were. I dragged you out of Bronwyn's room and told the police I found you out on the landing.”
    Gwyneth started to cry, I put out a hand to her.
    “Bronwyn isn't as bad as you think,” I told her.
    Mr. Matthews gave me a most peculiar look. “I've been through what she did to you. And we know what she did to Mr. Grimaldi. How can you say that?”
    “You know about Salice?” Did everybody in Wales have a hot line to my deepest secrets?
    “Jenny told us. We've met the royal family. We're going back. Bronwyn might....”
    “Did Jenny tell you Bronwyn was raped in a
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