Jackal (Regency Refuge 2)

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Book: Jackal (Regency Refuge 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Gray
Tags: Fiction - Historical, Christianity, Romance & Love Stories
calendar turned to mark a new year with little fuss at Castle Felton. Rupert found himself reflecting on the meal that Mrs. Pembroke had prepared to commemorate the event. She had made each of the girls' favorite foods. The youngest two had enjoyed the dishes but took no special notice of it. Mrs. Burnham, of course, had glared at him the entire time they ate. It was a wonder she'd gotten any food into her mouth so rarely had she glanced at her plate or utensils. Juliana, though more covert, had turned speculative eyes on him as each new course had been introduced.
    Rupert stood at a window and watched Juliana and her sisters. They'd all said they needed a bit of fresh air and had gone outside despite the bite of the northern wind. In the distance, he could see a rider approaching the castle at a fast clip. While they didn't often have visitors at Castle Felton, it certainly wasn't unheard of. The girls' reaction, though, was. All three ran as soon as they heard the horse. From his vantage point, he saw them crouch behind shrubbery. Typical of a mother hen, Juliana gathered the girls close and put her arms around them.
    The rider, of course, was Tommy, the Tompkins' eldest son. "Good." His words echoed in the castle's emptiness before he veered toward the stairs. Mrs. Pembroke met him in the foyer. Before she could speak, he told her, "Fix a tray with something warm and hearty for Mr. Tompkins, and please send him on through to the study."
    She nodded without a word and returned to the kitchen where the young man was no doubt already warming himself by the fire.
    The village of Felton wasn't a bustling metropolis with deliverymen and couriers standing on every corner waiting for work. Upon realizing his need to quickly get word to London, he'd visited the vicar to ask for a recommendation. Vicar Renner had suggested two names, one of which belonged to young Mr. Tompkins. The senior Mr. Tomkins had gone missing in a snowstorm the winter before and was presumed dead.
    Tommy was now the head of the house, and the responsibility to provide for his family fell to him. It was a weighty burden to shoulder, and no one could fault Tommy for doing his best and working hard. Nonetheless, he and his family were in dire straits.
    Worried the boy might agree to do anything out of desperation Rupert had been reluctant to send him on such an urgent mission. When Tommy had met Rupert in front of their humble home with a firm handshake and a clear steady gaze, though, the steward had been pleased to give Tommy the credit he deserved. He'd commissioned him to ride straight through to London and deliver two letters, paying him half his fee up-front with the promise of the remainder upon his return.
    Having been directed there by Mrs. Pembroke, Tommy walked into the study and gave a slight bow of deference to Rupert. "I did as y' asked and have letters for y' to read as well."
    Indicating a chair, Rupert told Tommy to sit down. Mrs. Pembroke followed the boy in while carrying a tray stocked with cheese, bread, and a steaming pot of tea. Rupert nodded his thanks to the housekeeper and turned to Tommy. "Let me see the letters you've brought back. In the meantime, enjoy something to eat and drink while you warm yourself by the fire."
    "Yes'r." Tommy handed two envelopes to Rupert and reached for the food before the steward could take his seat behind the imposing desk.
    Opening the first envelope, Rupert began reading.
    An earl! Hearty congratulations and happy tidings! My staff used to think you were an exotic prince from the east. I'm not saying anything to anyone at present, but I'm sure they'll all be delighted to learn of your change in circumstance at such a time as it's made public.
    It seems imperative that you travel to London at once. Feel free to make use of the estate at Sheffield along the way if you've a need. I do believe we have room for you and your newly acquired gaggle of feminine relatives here at the townhome as
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