Island Peril

Island Peril Read Online Free PDF

Book: Island Peril Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jill Sorenson
looking for us. They might even send a helicopter.”
    She hoped so because she was worried about spending a long night out in the open without a tent or warm clothing. The islands were known for harsh conditions. If bad weather struck, they’d be in trouble.
    “I guess we could wait an hour or two to make sure they’re gone.”
    Relief swamped her. “Good idea.”
    “I’m glad I thought of it.”
    She released his hand with a smile, rolling her eyes. He was protective, rather than domineering. In this situation, a take-charge attitude was understandable. “Should we sit here and keep watch?”
    “Let’s go to the campground shelters. We can see the trail from there.”
    She followed him that direction, eager to get out of the wind. The past hour had chilled her to the bone and frayed her nerves. San Miguel no longer seemed like her own private utopia. Their perfect afternoon had transformed into a holiday in terror—and it wasn’t over yet.
    “Why isn’t anyone camping?”
    “Overnight visits aren’t allowed during nesting season. Guided hikes only.”
    He selected a site and took off his day pack, rifling through the contents. After sharing his water with her, he removed a square package about the size of a paperback.
    “What’s that?”
    “An emergency blanket.”
    He unfolded the item to demonstrate. It was shiny, like aluminum foil, but more flexible. Wrapping the blanket around his shoulders, he sat down with his back to the picnic table, inviting her into the circle of his arms. When she settled in next to him, he closed the edges around them both.
    The forced intimacy was awkward at first. He kept his gaze on the trail. She rested her head on his shoulder and hugged his lean midsection, savoring his warmth. Soon, they’d generated enough heat to get cozy. “I feel like a baked potato.”
    He squeezed her waist in a reassuring way.
    Maybe they’d pass an uneventful evening, cuddling. While Abby stayed up all night, tearing her hair out. “My sister’s going to have a panic attack.”
    “Mine would be worried, too.”
    “She’s had anxiety issues since the San Diego earthquake.”
    His muscles tensed at the mention of the tragedy. “Oh?”
    “We were living in the downtown area, pretty close to the epicenter.”
    “You were home?”
    “No, I was at UCSD. Abby had just left for work and Brooke was home alone. We couldn’t find each other in the chaos. There was no phone service during the evacuations. Abby thought Brooke was dead.”
    He stared at the trail, looking pensive.
    “Thankfully she was fine. Everyone in my family survived. We were lucky.”
    His curt response gave her the impression that his loved ones hadn’t fared so well. “Where were you?”
    “Cal Poly. Paige was in LA.”
    “Did you...lose anyone?”
    “My parents were on the freeway,” he said. “They were going to catch a plane to Hawaii that morning.”
    Her heart clenched inside her chest. “They didn’t make it?”
    “I’m so sorry,” she said, stricken. She couldn’t imagine losing both of her parents in the same accident.
    “It was chaos, like you said. We didn’t know for sure for almost two weeks.”
    Tears of sympathy flooded her eyes. She’d never forget the aftermath of the disaster, the constant thrum of fear. So many people had gone missing.
    “They brought us here, as kids.”
    “To San Miguel?”
    “Mostly Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz. They were outdoor people. My mom enjoyed kayaking. She—” he broke off, clearing his throat. After he collected himself, he continued. “She took me to explore the sea caves when I was twelve.”
    She studied his face, touched by what he’d shared. This was quite a display of emotion from a man who’d told her not to cry earlier.
    He flushed at her perusal. “I’m not usually like this.”
    “It was a long time ago.”
    “Not so long. The earthquake changed a lot of people’s lives. It’s the reason I became a
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