Inked Chaos

Inked Chaos Read Online Free PDF

Book: Inked Chaos Read Online Free PDF
Author: M. J. Grace
into the room.  Stopping dead, she observes the expectant
expressions on our faces, and smiles that knowing smile that every woman has
the morning after the night before.  Yep, she did it.  You can just tell she’s
had a night full of lust fuelled exercise.  It’s written all over her.
    “Ahhhh tell,” squeals Davy.
    With a resigned expression upon her face, Jen walks over, sits on the
bed and let’s herself flop backwards.
can I say?” she whispers. “He’s the man I’ve been waiting for all my life.”
    Davy and
I look at each other and laugh.
    “Yeah, right,” says Davy “so was the last boyfriend.”
    “No.  Seriously
girls, we talked forever.  We just clicked.  We’ve told each other our past misdemeanours’,
everything.  He wants me to go over to LA next week and stay with him.  I know
I’ve spouted similar words before, but he’s really special.  He made me feel really special.  I also have to say, he has some seriously good moves in the
bedroom department too.”
    Davy and
I are no longer laughing.  We are staring at her, our mouths agape.
going to LA?” I ask in a stunned whisper.
    “Yep.  He’s
paying for everything.  I’ve got to meet him and Steve shortly to organise
everything.  I’m going over, and we’ll play it by ear about when I come back.”
tells us, how Steve had told her I had left.  She was going to follow me back
to the room, but Razor had persuaded her to stay.  Boy is she glad she did.  
    We plan
that after breakfast, Davy and I will go back to our room, grab our gear and
check out.  While Jen heads off to meet Razor and Steve to make their final
    As the
sun is shining, Davy and I will load up the cars, then sit and wait for Jen on
one of the benches outside the front of the hotel.
however, proves to be a bad idea, because as we are enjoying the sunshine,
whilst mulling over the previous night’s total bummer of an outcome.  Who should
walk out of the hotel surrounded by bodyguards, but the one and only AJ Lewis.  
    As the
bench I’m sitting on is facing him side on, I have an uninterrupted view of the
commotion playing out in front of me.
the elbow jabbed into my side by Davy, and grateful that I have my shades on,
so my eyes are hidden; I watch as he glances behind him.  He’s obviously
impatient, and the reason emerges a few moments later as Melody Forrester
strolls out; seemingly taking all the time in the world as she talks on her
mobile phone.  Although it has to be said, she doesn’t appear too happy either.
    I sit
there silently, not making a move, unwilling to draw attention to myself.  I
just want them to climb into their car, and disappear as quickly as possible.  I
watch as she climbs into the back of the car, as AJ turns his head and leans in
to listen to Tiny, the guard from the corridor last night.  It then becomes
clear, that although AJ might not have seen me, Tiny had.  No sooner has Tiny finished
speaking, than AJ swings his head in my direction.  He stares at me for a
moment, then lifts his chin in the kind of greeting men do.
    As for
me, do I acknowledge him? Do I heck.  I just sit there and watch as he then
climbs into the car and they drive off.   I can’t for one minute understand why
he acknowledged me.  Maybe it’s because he knows Jen and Razor are connected
now.  Well, I’ll never know, and I don’t much care.  I’ll file it away in my
brain as a learning curve/experience and leave it at that.
    A few
minutes later, Jen appears with Razor as another car pulls up in front of the
hotel.  They have a quick frantic conversation, and I watch as Razor gently
puts his hand to the side of Jens face, whispers close to her lips, presses his
lips to hers, then turns away and climbs into the car.  Jen waves as they drive
off, then turns to us, a smile on her face, but tears in her eyes, as she walks
towards Davy and I.
    “Oh boy
you’ve got it bad haven’t
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